So me (F22) and this guy (M28) that Ive been talking to had recently had out first argument. We both had fault in the situation but i was more at fault due to me being petty. He ignored me for an entire day and then he reached out to me and asked if i wanted to come over. I of course said yes ( this being the first time going to his house) and later that day i went to his house. When i got there I apologized for my fault in the argument and he accepted it in a nonchalant way like nothing even happened. we were play games and we took a couple shots and later that night we have sex for the first time and everything went well in my opinion . I ended up spending the night at his place and in the morning we both go our separate ways giving one another a goodbye kiss and wishing each other great days…

i texted him in the middle of that day 3 or 4 hours after i left and he hasn’t texted me back yet , but he has read my message and it has been hours. should i be worried of getting ghosted or am i overthinking.

( more context ) its only been a month and a half since ive met him and we have already had a first date/ meet up at the gym and worked out together. i saw a couple red flags while i was there. i saw female perfume in a hallway closet that he left open and i saw a female black dress behind his bed that i thought was mine when but realized it wasn’t.

  1. So, at this point it be in your best interest to be honest and ask where he sees it going and if you have the same intentions. Now that you’ve been intimate, you would need to know if he wants something serious or casual.

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