So I have PTSD, major depressive disorder, and possibly autism. I’m an attractive guy and find in social scenarios girls are very interested in me. Recently I’ve been coming out of my shell and going to concerts alone. I always make sure to have a great time at the show but make it a point to approach a girl I find interesting before the show ends and chat her up then ask for her number. I’ve only done this twice and am just practicingZ the first girl at a show I approached was one I was moshing with all night, I came up to her after said I loved moshing with her and asked if I could get her number before I headed out. She responded that her phone was broken, I took the hint, said nice to meet you and went in my way.

The next show I went to I had a small moment with this girl where we dance for a sec and sang lyrics to a song to each other’s faces. After the show I approach her and said it was a fun show and we should grab some bubble tea some time and get to know each other. I asked for her number, she said maybe my Instagram? Once again should have taken the hint and said I don’t use Instagram have a good night. But I gave her my phone and she followed herself on IG. As I left the venue I checked her IG less than 3 minutes later and she has blocked me.

I wasn’t that pressed, it feels nice to make an attempt for the second time and look forward to improving my next approaches. But still a bit of a brutal way to reject me, to block me instantly instead of just “I have a boyfriend sorry”

I am however optimistic to keep trying the irl approaches until I find the oneS

  1. >So I have PTSD, major depressive disorder, and possibly autism


    >brutal way to reject me

    They can feel this things, get yourself together and do therapy

  2. as a woman, almost every woman or femme presenting person i know has been assaulted (verbally, physically, etc.) for rejecting men. i know i have even if i said i had a partner. sometimes getting the number or ig and blocking once they’ve left the area is the best thing for them in terms of safety. unfortunately, people are being conditioned to do this more and more, it doesn’t necessarily mean you did anything wrong though.

    also in the future, sometimes people give you the ig bc it’s still an app they can talk to you on before giving you their personal number. it doesn’t always mean they’d reject you persay but i can also see how this could be frustrating. i would just say keep trying your nice approach and being respectful, that goes a long way. dating is just trial and error majority of the time unfortunately

  3. >I am however optimistic to keep trying the irl approaches until I find the oneS

    This is an **excellent** attitude!

    You’ll need it, in the cold, cruel dating world out there…

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