I’m lost career wise and wanted to see what made others happy.

  1. Delivery driver for a mid tier sit-down restaurant.

    Drive around all day listening to music, AC/heater, comfortable seating, and tips were well enough to cover all my gas on and off work.

    It was just a chill low stress, low effort job but didn’t suffer from boredom like other “low effort” jobs.

  2. selling stuff on ebay.

    Before the current tax laws, that is. It’s still pretty nice, but there’s more paperwork.

    You gotta find something you can get for almost free, and then sell for an outrageous price.

  3. Data entry, my current job. It’s not great, but there’s no retail customer component and a lot of the time I can sit alone in an office and just work at my own pace. I can have a bad day and it doesn’t bother anyone, as long as paperwork moves it’s fine. That level of consistently low stress is something I need right now even if it’s often boring and has other drawbacks. Wouldn’t recommend it if you have different priorities though.

  4. Beer truck driver, short distance.

    God, it was awesome in every possible way. The only downside was going to backcountry deliverys in winter. Digging / wenching out that fully loaded ex-military truck alone in freezing temps…

  5. Military by far. The amount of support i got in every capacity was so good. I miss it greatly.

  6. When I was at teenager I refereed kids sports. Was hilarious, between the tantrums, the crying and the exasperated parents, I could barely keep a straight face most times.

  7. 5am-630pm, Hershey warehouse so 55F year round & I counted outbound loads. Literally just counted boxes all day. 2-3-2 schedule so off every other weekend + OT if I wanted. Busy 9 months a year.

    Joke of a job.

  8. I was a welder for a company that built stretched limos. Great job. Great pay. Cool people to work with. Damm company went broke because 1 of the co-owners was embezzling!

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