Alright boys I’m going to sound like I don’t know how to talk to people but I’ve never had a friend who is a girl until recently and she asks strange questions. Like if I’m comfortable with me giving her number or if I’m comfortable with her telling me personal things. and I find it weird I’ve known her for about 3 months And it’s kind of scaring me that its a projecting kind of thing, like maybe I make her uncomfortable with things I do. I don’t know if I’m just being insensitive with this question.

1 comment
  1. This is a newer thing I’m seeing with consent culture. Which is good, because it’s respectful when people aren’t assuming you’re ok with sharing deep personal info, hugs, or other personal or private things when you’re not, especially when it gets into sexual behavior consent. For those of us who are very open, affectionate, whatever (and fully capable of saying “no” or “stop”,) it can feel patronizing and weird however. But the intent is kindness and respect. You could let this person know they don’t have to ask about everything with you, and that you will let them know your boundaries as they arise. (It may or may not change anything).

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