Last night, when my boyfriend was feeding his turtle, he asked me if I checked the turtle when he’s not at home. I said yes while using my fingernail tapping the turtle tank wondering why the turtle didn’t move at all. I didn’t know I was not supposed to do this. When he saw me doing that, he poked my forehead with his finger and then ‘tapped’ me on my head really hard with his fist saying “do you like it when people doing this to you as saying hello to you? ” suggesting I should not have done that. I raised my arms to stop him from doing that but he hit me harder. I would use the word “hit” but according to him, it was tapping. I cried and he made me say sorry to the turtle. Later I said to him ” you hit me really hard on my head”. Then he apologized but said it didn’t cause any damage. Every time I think of that, I just can’t stop crying. Am I making a big deal out of this?

And also, the same day he told me not to order food for dinner because there was enough food in the fridge. But to me apparently the food was not enough. So I ordered two salads and told him when he got home. He was unhappy saying that I disobeyed his order. I feel like he doesn’t treat me equally and to him It seems like I should always obey his order and listen to him. Then he finished the food in the fridge and I finished one salad. So it proved the food was not enough.

I don’t like being treated like this. I don’t like conflicts so I always cry when he is unhappy or angry towards me. I wanna break up with him. What do you think? Am I making a big deal out of these? I need some advice! Thank you!

  1. He doesn’t treat you right at all. If he doesn’t respect you and correct you without resorting to physical abuse or verbal, then you’re in the wrong relationship.

  2. You dont like being treated this way. So why are you still there? Help yourself, get out.

  3. Leave him. That’s some bull shit I would not tolerate I don’t care how long we’ve been dating, nobody does that shit. You shouldn’t put up with it either.

  4. If someone hits you, get out now. Don’t second guess, don’t let them explain, don’t try to see it from their perspective.

    Hitting is NEVER acceptable. Even if he weren’t also abusive in other ways, like telling you what to eat and that you “DISOBEYED” him.

    edit spelling

  5. Tell him to never do that again or else it’s over and let someone among your friends/family know to help remind him to never do that again

  6. You are ready to break up with him. You want to. Go ahead and do it. He is not treating you the way you want to be treated. That is a valid reason to end a relationship. He’s also a jerk. And that is a very good reason to end a relationship.

  7. Disobeyed his order???? And he’s nor an ex yet?? Why are you allowing yourself to be treated like this

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