Since struggling through a porn/sex addiction, sex has been a touchy thing between my wife and I. It hasn’t been until recently, after I’ve truly been recovering after proper therapy and mostly working through a 12-step program, that we have both been comfortable enough to spark up our sex life at a level that is healthy for both of us again.

While I continue to understand sex as a more intimate engagement with her, she is continuing to restore her comfort and acceptance about her own sexuality and her body. When she does feel great about herself, and the mood is right, she has given me “the look” and tries to get me to continue to turn her on. Here is where the problem lies because I fucking freeze and realize that I have lost all of my ability to continue to talk smoothly and subtly dirty to keep the mutual arousing feeling to grow.

Most of these times, I end up blowing it by either saying something dorky or pretending to act like I’m not interested (this has actually worked SOME times since she gets very turned on at the fact that my erection tells all no matter how I try to play it off). As a result, she is quick to change the subject and stops the interaction by redirecting our conversation. We’ve talked about this and she’s made me understand that her knack for doing this comes from her still being a bit self-conscious about her expressing her sexuality with me. However, she’s mentioned that it would help if I could keep up the slow build up of talking smoothly and subtly dirty with her when she gives me that look again.

So I come here to ask for some advice and recommendations on how I can improve my ability to be smooth with her. We watched Sex and the City a few times and I can tell a character like Mr. Big has that confidence and ability to talk smoothly and dirty without actually being explicit. What ways might there be for me to learn how to improve this ability to apply it to my wife and I? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

1 comment
  1. Compliments. Telling her what you want to do to her. And practice (in the shower or in your car)

    Your hair smells so good. I want to stroke it while you suck my dick.

    Your mouth is so sexy. I want to kiss you.

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