I am 33 years old. I was incarcerated for the last 3 1/2 years because of my substance abuse issue, which I am glad to say I at least have a hold on now (been sober for 2 years already and partially thanks to a couple psych meds I now take). I am living back home with a sibling and parents, and although we have a really nice house and I love my family, I can’t help but feel like a total loser (of course). I had such great opportunities in life before, and I fucked everything up. I am at rock bottom.

I occupy my time right now with reading books and trying to learn web development online, signed up on SkillShare and have been trying to delve into some cool new topics of interest. What has been a struggle is the will to workout consistently, even though I used to have a big passion for working out. I also hate the fact that I look older, that I have to shave my head now and be bald (despite positive comments from people about it), and other nuances such as random aches and pains in my joints that come and go and make me very depressed about dealing with this probably due to aging.

I am just feeling lost in life right now although I am trying to do the right things and have good goals now. I don’t really have anyone I talk to in real life except one friend and those in certain discord servers…. I really want to hear from those who have conquered their mental problems, or have been in a similar situation as me, and who have battled with their insecurities due to their looks and financial situations, etc.

Please, and thank you.

  1. It sounds cliche but I always loved the quote from Winston Churchill “if you’re going through hell – keep going”. I’ll keep it short and sweet, be kind to yourself, accept where you are at the moment and keep going. The most important thing is to hold onto the possibility that things could get better but it will take time.

    This is coming from a guy who’s had a shitty two years and probably the worse month of his adult life in late October.

  2. I don’t have any specific advice but if you love reading take some time to read stoic philosophy. It had somewhat of a Renaissance in recent years because it’s an alternative to nihilism which is plaguing so many people.

    The whole philosophy is about overcoming suffering even in the worst situations of life. Some of the greatest stoic philosophers are literally both the most unfortunate and most powerful people in history so you have a plethora of both work and stories to help inspire you and keep you grounded.

    It won’t help you get your life back on track but it will serve as a great guide and painkiller for life. It can help you immensely.

    Try the Enchiridion by Epictetus or Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Make sure you find a good translation. Some of them are a bit cryptic but don’t have to be.

    Also check r/stoicism. Good luck!

  3. What are you reading? I would find some books that are moral passions of yours. Feed your mind with enlightened thoughts from those that came before you and went through the same things you’re going through. Other than that you’re on the right track if you’re trying, cuz that’s all we can do is try. Try to be the best person you can and you’ll know when you’re on the right path but it may take some time getting there. But making positive steps will get you in the positive direction towards that path.

  4. You have been through some shit. One might say you are tough now. Read about stoicism and then get busy gritting your teeth and forging into the storm. Prison was hard. You survived. You are hard.

  5. That Winston Churchill quote is what got me through incarceration. Hands down. Crazy how you mentioned it. But yeah, for sure.

    And thank you other guys too, it helps to hear that, and I will def check out more on Stoicism which I have heard good things bout before as well, no doubt.

  6. start with something small. skill share is bullshit.

    go to freecodecamp then learn from trasversy media. no need to pay, only crash courses enough for a lot of things already. go look for a job in a small school district.

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