I have a friend who, when she’s on her period, acts like a jerk. She’s even admitted this herself. She is very passive aggressive with her words and is really short with me during this time. She’ll usually shove me in a direction she wants to go instead of telling me. She’ll curse at me a lot more, calling me a “bitch” and “asshole” and today she hit me after I told her I didn’t want to eat something. After hours of this, I started to shut down and I think she could tell. She texted me saying she was sorry for how she acted.

The problem is, I don’t know how to say anything other than “it’s okay”. It’s obviously not okay, but I just can’t bring myself to say anything. What should I tell her? I’d like to tell her that I don’t appreciate being called names and hit/shoved, but I just don’t want her to feel bad about it.

I’m not sure if this applies here so let me know if I should delete it.

Edit: spelling

1 comment
  1. Not meaning to be joking but do you imply she prompted you to… “eat someone” before that?

    Other than that you should tell how you feel about it. Hitting ppl and calling them names is a serious lack of respect and self control and it’s entirely understandable that you wouldn’t be okay with it. To me it does sound like she uses that excuse to test her limits with people and just do whatever pleases her.

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