Do people use reflective clothing or items in places where it gets really dark in the winter?

  1. People who jog or bike in the dark often do. But not just being out in the dark, going shopping, commuting home, etc.

  2. Generally only people who are bike riding, walking, jogging, working, etc… I don’t wear one just walking through the parking lot to my truck.

  3. I ride my bike to and from work and I don’t wear reflective clothing, but it’s really bright yellow.

  4. Yes. Very common. It’s dark here at like 4:30pm in the winter so lots of people running or walking their dogs wear reflective stuff.

    (same in the am. I go by about 2 dozen ladies running at like 5-6am and they have running stuff with reflective parts)

  5. It’s now getting dark where I live around 6:30 pm, but it’s also unpleasantly cold at that time too. So, I’m not exactly spending a lot of time outdoors where I might need reflective clothing. My motorcycle is pretty much already settled into the garage (and about to start being pulled apart for winter maintenance/upgrades anyway), which would be about the only reason I might be wearing reflective gear at all.

  6. Yes depending on what activities they are doing like jogging, biking and the sort and during hunting season people generally were reflective vests when they are doing stuff in hunting areas even if they are not hunting

  7. If they’re not working a job that requires being around moving vehicles where it’s pretty much mandatory, only cyclists or runners, and even then not always, at least in my experience.

  8. My dogs have a reflective vest and leash, and I usually wear a headlamp in the winter, but I don’t really go outside after dark unless it’s to take them out to potty.

  9. When I was younger and skated everywhere… Nope not at all.

    Now that I’m an adult I wear something hi-vis because it’s too cold to die

  10. Not enough people, and I wish they did but there isn’t much of a culture or demand for it. Though this is a problem all over the world. Not many companies making reflective clothing pieces as a standard with regular clothes. If you want reflective clothing, you have to seek it.

  11. Southern California so probably doesn’t count, but I think at most I’ve seen joggers holding like an on flashlight while jogging.

  12. It gets dark at 4:30pm now in my state. My neighborhood has almost no lights so I will usually wear a headlamp and reflective vest if walking my dog. I even have one for dog so she can be seen more easily.

  13. If you’re going to be out at night yeah, like on a bike or something. There’s no hunting at night but you’d be an idiot to not wear orange and take a walk in the woods.

  14. I walk a lot, so I have a reflective strip on my backpack, and I usually wear a large reflective vest over my coat. I do this whenever I’m walking at night, not just during winter.

  15. Unfortunate where I live to many people don’t and it leads to a lot of people getting hit.

  16. Yup. Joggers and bicyclists in Maine not only use reflective clothing but also lights. Joggers usually have light up vests.

    We have a lot of winding small roads with tight shoulders and it gets dark early, like 4:30pm early. You want to be visible.

  17. Where I live, some people do if they’re jogging, biking, or walking their dog, but I see way more “invisible” pedestrians.

  18. If I am near the street, yes.

    Although it’s actually a lot less dark at night during the winter because snow

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