Hey yall

i really want to find someone in my age range with a possible 8-10 years above my age max. even 13years older If it makes sense.

and i really am not here for any bullshit games etc. life is so so short. and i have so many dreams and life stuff to deal with. im okay not ever being married and ill just focus on life but i want to make rooooom.

since im 30 im hoping to find someone i can be with for the next 30-50 years of human life . i cant believe im typing this out but YUP.

i need to work out and gradually lose off the weight and go through some career stuff/business stuff that hopefully exists someday if there is a possibility of income outside of a job.

but its SUCH a big dream of mine, that only really landed into my brain, this year that i really really would love a man i can regard.

I know it doesnt have to happen. but it MIGHT. and as a person im obviously trying to live everything i came here for…

what should i do ……… because. im trying to do this but im truly stumped. i AM getting support by changing how i communicate changing how i show up and being willing to flirt or engage especially IN PERSON and not online LOL šŸ™‚ thanks i would love your advice!

  1. Just go to as many events as you can and talk to as many people.

    Don’t be afraid of online either. If you use it right, it’s online introductions not online dating. You should meet people very early in the process. After that it’s just the same as anyone else you meet anywhere else.

    I know you will be tempted to end it quickly but accept going in this is going to be a long process. You don’t want to commit too early

  2. different age group so grain of salt

    physical attraction is always good. if you’re serious about it hire someone to train you.

    youre 30 so your dating pool is mostly extremely career oriented people or people with failed relationship baggage. are you prepared for that?

    you already getting help on how to socialize, so just make money, get hot, and meet people

  3. The gym is a good place to meet guys who are on the same path and it shows they have some level of ambition/work ethic that could transfer to a relationship. Work on your own goals but look friendly and be open while you are out and about. If the gym has a cafe or a lounge, go work on your computer for a bit after your workout. Just be seen and be approachable.

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