I have struggled with this for a lonnnnnnnnng time.

I go back and forth. Sometimes I think they might be, and that maybe men just sort of hold themselves self consciously which makes them less attractive to me.

Sometimes I think that maybe there are only a handful of men who are attractive naked and they’re the exception to the rule.

Obviously beauty is subjective, I think what I’m trying to pin down here is the psychology around male attraction. 98% of men’s nude selfies are far from sexy to my mind. But then there’s that 2% that makes me hold out hope.

Do women just know how to embody attraction better? Is this a socialization thing? Help me out here…

  1. Of course they are, just because they aren’t to you doesn’t mean they aren’t to everyone.

  2. The problem with men’s nudes is that they have decided that the only thing worth displaying is their dick, taking up as much of the frame as possible. Lighting, composition, and even having it in focus are completely ignored.

    Men on average are just terrible at taking photos. The ones that put in the effort can definitely find that women enjoy the photos as well, though realistically they’ll get more attention from bi/gay men.

  3. Objectively some men have to have attractive bodies. If you don’t find most attractive it’s probably more about your sexuality than anything.

  4. Women typically take more selfies and look at the mirror more. They are more self aware of postures and angles. They tend to have a better “eye”. Guys are not usually conscious on their looks and posing. Search up some male models and posing, angles, lighting. Replicate them. Be confident. It helps and provides a great start. Also women do enjoy context, not just mirror selfies.

  5. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I have had several women say that they liked my body. I no longer have the fit young body I had in my twenties and thirties, but even now, my partners love so see me naked.

    Years ago, I was staying with two lesbian friends from college. It was really hot and humid that summer and we decided to get naked. They both told me they liked seeing me naked. Go figure…

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