This is really dumb, so don’t be to hard on me. Normally, I don’t really have crushes, I just think “that girl is attractive” and that’s it. But there’s this girl(18F) that I(18M) can’t get out of my mind. I saw her on my explore page, and was stunned. The thing is we don’t know each other, I don’t know her. I’m a superficial dumbass for having a crush on someone just for their looks, without knowing anything about them. I want to meet her, and know her but that’s impossible. She lives in Hawaii, and is in New York because of college. I’m in Georgia. It’s depressing, but what can you do. I was just wondering how to forget about her easily, or anyway to communicate with her. I’m pretty sure she won’t respond to a random guy dm’ing her. Again this is all really dumb, I should just forget and move one with my life, but I think I just needed to share this post to feel better.

1 comment
  1. Totallyyy understand this. Honestly all I can say is give it a go. I’m a super shy person but over DM I’m really confident so I always shoot my shot and 9/10 times it goes well. I can’t say that anything has happened from that but that’s because once I got to know them, I knew we weren’t compatible. In my opinion, just give her a quick DM explaining that you know it’s a long shot but you think she’s really beautiful and see where it goes 🙂 You don’t know until you’ve tried, and if she shoots you down, then at least you can move on. Of course there is a chance she won’t reply, like you said, but you can only do the best you can do. Sorry it’s not much help but be brave! It might really surprise you!

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