So, I’m fairly new to posting to reddit and I’m not sure how the format goes so take your time with me.

I am a 25-year-old single female, no kids, never been married, I have a great personality and to be honest I have been told that I am quite attractive. But none of these things matter because I can’t seem to find or keep a partner. I will admit I can be a little extra when it comes to certain things but not to the extend where I feel as if it’s a huge turn off. The men in my area honestly don’t peak my interest but it seems as if online dating is not doing much for me either. Can someone please point to a decent online site for dating or at least give me some advice on dating or even advice on being content with being alone. Thank you in advance

  1. If you go through the posts on this subreddit, you’ll see a lot of ppl going through the same motions as you. Guy and girl. With little differences as to why they feel the way they do.

    I seen a comment that went something like this, ” sometimes you got to dig through the trash before you find what you’re looking for”. Some ppl get lucky and some ppl take time to find what they’re looking for.

    Being single and working on yourself isnt all that bad either. Learning to love yourself for who you are and being ok with being single can help you be better at choosing who you date.

    You’re young and have a lot ahead of you. I’ve read that e harmony, and Match are good for most ppl. I ve used Match and Plenty of Fish in the past and only found a few dates on Match.

  2. #: The men in my area honestly don’t peak my interest but it seems as if online dating is not doing much for me either.

    Entirely possible the lack of interest/disinterest is also value adding to an unapproachable vibe. I know when im not wanted; these guys might feel the same way.

    As for being ok with single life, seriously doubt anyone is 100% ok rolling solo, but it can be more bearable with healthy friend group to fill some of the time. The rest is with learning a new skill/perfecting a an older skill. Easier if you are crafty or inquisitive in nature.

  3. The lack of interesting men in my area is what prompted me to only do long distance for most of my dating life. I did it through reddit. It was pretty fun and i got a husband out of it.

  4. If you are looking outside your area it will be harder to get matches because some people won’t want to travel. That said, I gave up on the apps myself after some time of no success on them. You’re not alone.

  5. What are you extra about? That may be the problem. Especially if it’s common to the men in your area.

  6. Online dating is not working for you >> you seek additional online dating platforms.. 🤔. This seems foolish. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.

    You’ve put in limited effort with an online profile and gotten bad results. Low effort, hoping for who knows what, bad plan. If you want to meet the right people, it takes work, amplify your hobbies (whatever they are) and turn them into adventures, join groups. This will put you around people with similar interests 👍 conversation should flow and hopefully sparks will fly. ✨

    Focus on participating in social activities you’ll enjoy. Welcome new people into your life. Be authentic, be genuine, and you’ll be dateable.

  7. Sounds more like everyone else is un-dateable to you. As guy who is familiar with knowing when women don’t like and aren’t attracted to me, the other men in your area probably get that vibe from you as you’ve stated “men in my area don’t peak my interest”.

  8. If you ask me I would probably ask friends that you know for assistance because they can help you find the right guy for you and if you can take in all the things they say about you then who knows you may find the guy of your dreams

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