Hey so my boyfriend and I have been together for 6 months now. A couple months later he went through my phone and found old pics & videos of me & my ex which I have no contact with. I absolutely felt horrible because I could of deleted that when I had the chance anyways a couple weeks ago I found out that he still has a phone plan with his ex and her family, I don’t see anything innocent about this. I felt betrayed that he didn’t feel the need to tell me even if there’s nothing going on like he claims. Today we had an argument and one thing led to another to where he started bringing stuff up to be more specific what he saw on my phone. He said that I ruined the good relationship we had. Did I ruin it ?

  1. Depends on what he saw . If I were him and saw somewhat explicit photos or texts I could not unsee them to be honest , you have to imagine yourself in his shoes if he saw that, that does not compare to what he saw on your phone and that can really make a people have a lot of thoughts going through their head like “ why does she still have them ?” “Does she maybe go back & reminisce on these times ?” That’s certainly what I would think

  2. No. Everybody has a past, and that past is not erased (either literally or emotionally) by getting into a new relationship. You should be saving your old pics and videos. Your ex was a part of your life. Moving on from him and getting into a new relationship doesn’t mean you have to completely discard your memories from the past. Even if you had contact with him and it was on a completely platonic level, your boyfriend would have been unreasonable. Now if these were intimate conversations, you should have moved them elsewhere (such as to a backup flash drive) simply as a courtesy, because you don’t want to make things difficult for your boyfriend by making him have to see those things. But if this is what ruined your relationship, I’m sorry to say the relationship wasn’t on firm footing to begin with.

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