Last year, I (30F) slept with a guy (31M) who I thought was single. A week after, I saw a post that he have been engaged. I was so shocked that moment and felt horrible. A year after, I decided to tell it to her “now Wife” (30F) about what did happened last year even I don’t have any proof because I think she still deserves to know. She said that she doesn’t care if it’s true or not, also indenial. And I was like… Okay 😶. But I know she only said that because she needs to be strong for their marriage. My mind is at peace now. Yet questioning myself, did I did the right thing?

TLDR: confused if I did the right thing

  1. If your mind is at peace now then just move on. Impossible to know in this situation what is right or not… it probably could have been more helpful if you’d told her right away but, you’ve said your piece and it’s not your problem any more. She has the info to do with as she chooses.

  2. I think you did the right thing. She deserves to know. If she acts on it or not, that’s on her.

  3. It doesn’t really matter. It doesn’t sound like there was any major blowback, but at the end of the day, it’s not your job to determine how she should respond to this information. It’s not your job to evaluate if she’s making the right choice or not, or if she’s in denial.

    You told her. What she did with that information is up to her.

  4. You did the right thing. They can decide what they do with their marriage now. You didn’t know they were engaged. It would have probably been better to tell her when you found out but I think this is okay. My ex husband cheated on me and no one told me until years later but I am glad looking back that someone did even if it hurt that it was kept secret for so long.

  5. You absolutely made the right call. What she chooses to do with this information is up to her now.

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