I’m not sure if this is the subreddit to ask this, but I have a friend struggling a lot with her mental health lately and a couple of days ago it was her birthday, but unfortunately she didn’t even have the energy to celebrate it alone, so she didn’t want any visits or anything.
So me and some friends pitched in to buy her a cake and write a little letter, we won’t go into her house in an effort to respect her wishes to isolate but we’ll have it delivered to her. I wanted to do a care package to go along with the cake because I think having some new stuff to try out might cheer her up a bit by incentivating her to take care of herself with the items, but I feel like maybe some things like face masks and stuff would just be pointless and sit there unused forever and potentially make her feel bad…
Anyway, I just wanted some ideas for easy, simple (and reasonably priced) things she might appreciate to have right now. I’m probably not going to put more food on the package though, because we already have the cake

1 comment
  1. Long hair? Some fun new scrunchies. Some pretty soaps, lip balm in flavors. I agree about the masks, she might not use them. Just small things that might be fun.

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