What’s been the longest period you’ve had?

  1. Five weeks straight. Thought it ended. Sobbed in the bathroom at work (I was a receptionist at a doctors office) and called one of the nurses in to calm me down. The doctor put me on birth control (pills) and it completely changed my personality. Lost interest in my bf and everything. Good news was that he was abusive and it made me realize that since I was no longer attracted to him, but… uh… still weird? I guess.

  2. Without stopping like 3 weeks. At one point I’d have periods that would last ~10 days, stop for up to 3 days, then start again for another ~10 days, then stop again for up to another 3, repeating for about 3 months straight. That was a real messed up time, even moreso because at that time we didn’t know that it was the hormonal changes that were really screwing up my mental stability (I would, years later, be diagnosed with PMDD).

  3. Wasn’t technically a period the whole time but got an IUD towards the end of my period so ended up bleeding for like 3 weeks total

  4. Three months. Non stop. (It may not have technically been a period it was at the start of menopause)

  5. A couple months! I got the birth control that goes in your arm, and it f*cks with your hormones!

  6. Wow I can’t believe how long it can be for some people. My longest has only been about 2 weeks

  7. 12 days -14 days age 51
    The lastperiods you get before menopause go on forever they are incredibly painful and it’s like you’re haemorrhaging
    thank God for menopause

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