Originally had a post on here about a situation between me M(21) and my childhood friend F(19) here’s an update on the situation. Original post [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/twbrnb/i_still_love_her_is_that_wrong/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf).

For a couple of weeks now she’s been seeing the other guy and they’ve been together mostly all the time. The process of moving on was hard but I found that the days began to get easier and easier I didn’t really dwell on my feelings to much just worried about working on myself and staying her friend.

One Day at work I get a call from her, I asked if she was ok she told me she was frustrated as they had an argument naturally as her friend I reassured her everything was gonna be ok, she agreed and everything went on as normal.

After a couple days went by she hung out at my place she seemed ok until later that evening. She was frustrated again but a lot more than last time I asked her if she was ok she said no and explained to me that he was supposed to spend quality time with her but accidentally got drunk and hung out with his friends instead after she called him out for it he was pretty upset and stopped texting her I wasn’t sure what to say so I just listened she went to bed angry that night.

The next day she was really quiet didn’t really want to talk to me I asked to see if she was ok she didn’t want to talk about it so I left her be and took her to work. The day went by pretty calm until I got a text from her an hour before she got off she wanted to talk to me about the other guy and she’s really stressed.

I picked her up from work and she told me she was sad that morning because she saw that he blocked her number and her social media and wouldn’t text her she also told me that during work he shot her a text saying how he isn’t mentally stable for a relationship and just wanted to be friends.

She made it clear that she wasn’t too hung up on it as she didn’t know him long enough to get too emotionally attached again I just listened but I felt she still had feelings for him. The next day she still was quiet but looked to be in a better mood. By the time Thursday rolled around she seemed like herself again.

We began hanging out like we did before just talking, going places and playing games. Friday night me, her, my brother and her brother went to the park to skate for a minute we get some alone time and I ask her how she’s managing with the whole situation she says again she’s not to hung up on it and needs to learn to get over him. We talk some more and the tone shifts.

She tells me that earlier that day when she looked at me she still found me very attractive she told me how she was lonely sleeping on the couch and missed sleeping in my bed. I told her deep down I felt the same. My feelings for her began to resurface. We go back to my place and we talk till about 3 in the morning.

That night she had slept in the bed with me. The whole time she was with him she would sleep on the couch when she stayed the night. The next morning things were how they were before she met him she began playing with my hair cuddling with me and we even were talking more.

Everything seemed fine until that night she looked distracted. After dropping off her brother I asked if she was ok she told me she still missed the other guy they still chat from time to time but not like before she told me that she missed him not because of her still being in love with him but because of the sex.

I was kinda caught off guard by what she said. She told me how she missed hanging out with his family and how much fun they had. We get back and watch a movie when it was over with I was ready to go to sleep but before that he calls her they talk for a minute meanwhile I’m sitting next her scrolling on my phone and be for she hangs up I hear her say “I Love you too”

That night I slept alone again as she slept on the couch again the next morning she was distant and before telling her bye I seen her wallpaper was back to the picture of both of them and she stays the night with him.

Now I’m stuck here with these feelings for her again at this point I think my emotions are being played with I don’t know if I should just give up before I get hurt or if I should just see where this goes confused and in need of advice again!

TL;DR: I begin to move on from having romantic feelings for my best friend but now she’s not with the other guy and is showing interest in me again but she still misses the other guy are my emotions being played with?

  1. You’re her safety net. She will always bounce back to you with ambiguous signs. Someday you’ll end up having sex. But she will never commit. Never. You’re her fwb. But she will always seek love outside and give you breadcrumbs. And then one day she’ll get married. Do you want that? At the moment there is no room for something meaningful for you. At living on breadcrumbs may let you survive, but you are always hungry and want more.

  2. Cut her off!!

    Jesus fuck dude!

    Have some mercy on yourself!

    What you are doing now has consequences especially to yourself! You are seeing yourself as less important than her in all dynamics which when carried forward can only serve to fuck you up!

    I don’t give a fuck If ahe feels betrayed.

    I font give a fuck if she feels like you were hanging around just for sex

    I don’t care if she calls you “just like other guys”

    You need to live for you. Not her.

    Jesus fuck dude.!

  3. You poor guy. Rip off that bandaid: she has amply shown that she couldn’t care less for your mental health and well being.

  4. Best thing to do is to drop it. Don’t be the safety net. I would know because I’ve done this type of thing before. (I was young) It’s really messed up and at the end of the day, trust me, she’ll lose. So let her go, that’s the best thing for you.

  5. Shes not gonna choose you. She will never be yours. Block and stop all contact, move cities whatever you need. If your in contact with her you will never get over her.

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