How do you control your aggression ?

  1. I joined the Marines when I was young and sublimated my violence.

    I’m still doing organized martial arts to keep it at bay and sublimating my aggression into useful things.

    Discipline and appropriate outlets.

  2. Take some slow breaths, focus on what you can change and be mindful of how future you would have wanted you to have handled the situation. I’m also considering a punching bag.

  3. Take a couple deep breaths and think through it logically. There are very few times when losing control will ever be to your benefit. There are far more times where there can be significant consequences.

  4. I think my low self esteem and avoidant personally lend themselves well to not allowing me to feel comfortable enough to feel the amount of anger that would lead to aggression.

  5. I train and sometimes compete in the ring.

    There’s nothing in this world like it, but it also comes with the added benefit of quickly finding out in the gym that you ain’t shit….and the guys that are, come in unassuming packages. That tends to help you control that rage real quick

  6. I bottle it up until I’m literally crying not because of the situation but because of how hard it is to hold back from rearranging someones bones

  7. Martial arts was a good outlet. I managed to get to a point where getting punched in the face during training didn’t even anger me.

  8. Cost benefit analysis usually ends it for me instantly. I think my time is worth a lot especially when I use it to improve my skills, so getting into conflicts means binding a lot of that time. In almost all cases it would not pay off to pursue any of it.

    With all that being said: Feelings are like comments or tool tips in the bottom right of your screen, they are additional information, ***not*** commands for specific actions.

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