I’ve finally found a newspaper that align with my beliefs however, even having a subscription, it’s so expensive.

I know it’s online but there’s something tossing my phone away for an hour and enjoy the reading of an actual paper. But I can’t afford it

  1. The same way people afford any non-essential? By either being well off enough that the cost isn’t significant to them (a large proportion of its readership is middle class, so this will apply), or by budgeting accordingly and prioritising expenditure on the things on which they place the most value.

  2. It’s generally seen as the paper of the centre-left middle class. So they afford it easily.

  3. Very few people buy a newspaper every day. That was true even when they were a main source of news. Perhaps you could subscribe to a weekly delivery of the Observer, the Guardian’s Sunday paper.

  4. It’s £15 a month.

    Despite what you hear in the papers (ironically including the Guardian) the entire nation isn’t on the breadline. Lots of people could easily afford that for something they like.

  5. Walk into a shop, pick up the paper, read it in the shop, then put it back.

    Help ensure the death of print journalism.

  6. If you’ve found a newspaper that aligns with your beliefs then you’re consuming wrong and living your life through an eco chamber of bollocks.

    Toilet roll is more expensive than a newspaper, yet everyone manages it.

  7. Join the local library and get their freereads or equivalent app. It’s a total gamechanger for me. They even have Viz!

  8. I dont know, but I’d recommend not reading something just because it aligns with your beliefs.

  9. Why do people allign themselves to newspapers just read whatever and take it with a pinch of salt as always

  10. >I’ve finally found a newspaper that align with my beliefs

    Even the Guardian opinion pieces?

    I used to read the Guardian religiously (a copy of each paper was available in my work canteen) but it’s gone downhill *massively* over the years, in my opinion from the moment Katharine Viner replaced Alan Rusbridger as Editor-in-Chief.

    It was in financial trouble when Rusbridger was in charge but the content was still of high quality, insightful, intelligent, thoughtful; it expanded my horizons so much at a formative period of my life (especially the investigative pieces and music / theatre reviews).

    It actually saddens me to see what it’s become, essentially the Left leaning equivalent of the Daily Express. The opinion pieces are what killed it for me, basically just cringeworthy, half-baked rage bait.

  11. Should you really go for a newspaper that ‘aligns with your beliefs’ or should you read one that challenges your beliefs?

  12. How can that bloke down the street afford a new BMW when the teen across the road has a 15 year old Honda?

    You know those coins with the bigger numbers on them? Some people have more of those than you do.

  13. I understand. The guardian and the observer would be my paper of choice. I don’t buy a daily and instead pick up the weekend papers (which last me all week). They’re still eye watering my expensive – but I love a Sunday paper.

  14. >I’ve finally found a newspaper that align with my beliefs

    Peak Guardian mindset, thread checks out.

  15. “I’ve finally found a newspaper that aligns with my beliefs” – dunno man probably hard to stump up the money for an online publication when your studying philosophy or feminism and intersectionality at uni.

    When you earn enough they might no longer align with your views

  16. The Graun is written for people who tut at the status quo but quietly support it…

    For a more affordable, objective and condensed outrage might I suggest Private Eye.

  17. >How do people afford The Guardian?

    If you don’t regularly sip champagne then that newspaper is sadly not for you.

  18. One option is to just buy it (or any other paper) at the weekend and read the online version during the week.

    Sit down on a Saturday with a nice cup of tea and enjoy the tactile experience of a physical newspaper plus supplements will last you into the week.

  19. I’m not exactly poor, but I’m far from wealthy on my small pension. But what the Graun costs me with the subscription is worth the money for good journalism.

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