So, my mums boyfriend has moved into our house. He has lived with us for about 2-3 years and has never paid rent at our house. We are about to move into his house. I have started making some money on the side and he has told me he wants me to pay rent when we move to his house. It’s just so wrong, my mum is totally against it. I don’t even want to move to his house and now he wants me to pay to live there. Wtf. I would understand if I was like 21 and still living at home but I’m 16 and have just started making small money reselling things on the side.

  1. Yeah, no. This is wrong on a lot of levels. If you had a full time job, I could see a little bit, but only if I was going to give it back when you were ready to move out.

    If that’s not what he’s planning? 100% a dick move.

  2. If you mom is totally against it that should be the end of discussion. She needs to protect you against whoever she decides to bring into your life. If he approaches you again about it tell him to speak to your mother.

  3. If your mom is totally against it, what’s the problem? Is it seeming like you’ll need to pay? Is she not capable of not moving in with him if he insists?

    I guess I am trying to understand what the next bit is if your mom has said ‘hell no’.

  4. Move in with grandparents your mom won’t put you first if she moves in with him so wrong or your dad

  5. Aunts and uncles? Grandparents?

    Whatever family you’ve got, time to tell them what’s going on. Pull them in.

    See if there’s somewhere else you can live. Once your mom relies on this man for shelter, she loses a lot of power regarding what he can or can’t do regarding you.

    Though depending where you are, telling someone under 18 to pay rent is illegal.

  6. Next time he mentions it, tell him to take it out of the back rent he owes for living at yours for free

  7. I hope this opens your Mom’s eyes to see who he really is. He’s been living rent free in your Mom’s house for the last few years, then has the nerve to expect you to pay rent. Mom needs to dump him instead of moving in with someone who would treat her daughter like this.

  8. Nope- your mom has a financial obligation to provide room and board for you as a bare minimum as a parent. She can pay extra to her amazingly supportive boyfriend

  9. Tell him to talk to your Mom. Unless it is different in the UK from the USA, it’s her responsibility to feed, clothe, and keep a roof over your head until you are 18. So, if he wants rent for you to live there, he needs to get it from her. Do not engage him any further on this subject. Just repeatedly tell him that you are a minor child and he needs to speak with your Mom about this and all other issues related to you. This is her responsibility, OP. Don’t let him try to make it yours.

    I’m sorry, but your Mom doesn’t seem like she is thinking this move through very logically.

  10. My mums boyfriend was calm when we met him first but now he’s shown his true colours. He is a total dick, he is always negative and never happy with anything. Like I do something good and he always finds a negative out of it.

  11. Ask your mom “ who the fuck is this guy?!?” And there’s your answer prepare to be an adult living on your own at 18 go get a job

  12. Your mother needs to tell him no. You are not an adult, you are a kid. And he’s not in charge of you, she is!

  13. Your stepdad is shit and hopefully your mom won’t choose him over you. I have two kids and I hate the thought of bringing a man into my house who might try to step all over them.

  14. My mom ex husband was the same way. At 15 he said I needed to pay rent. I mowed yards in the summer so I could go to different camps. His response was well, life isn’t fair. I asked him if he was going to kick me out at 15 if I didn’t pay. He said yeah. I told him that was child neglect and he would go to jail. His resp was, it wouldn’t be the first time and it won’t be the last. So I went and started packing my bags. He said what are you doing. I said you have the ability to get a better paying job but you don’t because all you do is smoke weed. So I guess I’ll figure it out. My mom and him got into a huge fight about it. He and I didn’t get along anyways. But I asked my aunt and great grandmother if I could come and live with them. He told me to walk. It’s a about 20 miles or so I did. My mom found me and drove me over their. He was a total shit box. 5 years later they finally divorced.

    I never understood why some people are like this. If you’re an adult, sure pay rent. But when you’re in school, unless you have no choice but to work. Your job is school.

  15. I’m sorry but if I was your mum and my boyfriend asked my son/daughter to start paying him rent at 16, I would reconsider even moving in with him let alone continuing the relationship. He has no rights whatsoever, not at least until you’re 18 anyway.

    Some small advice to you however, I would start putting a certain percentage of your earnings in a savings account now that you’re making some sort of money. I really wish someone had told me this when I was 16 🙁 times are tough and so it’s good to get ahead for when you do want/need to move out and be more independent.

    In the meantime, talk with your mum about putting the money aside (that her stupid bf wants) for a future place of your own rather than lining the pockets of her partner. Could work as a compromise!

    All the best and well done of starting a side hustle!

  16. That is illegal to require a minor to pay rent. He is violating fair housing laws by making this request

  17. Your mom would be totally insane if she moved in with him.

    He is a horrible person for even sugesting that.

  18. It probably wouldn’t hurt to talk to your mother about having a plan B if it doesn’t work out between them because of his insistence on you paying rent to him

  19. Dude your mom should be like “if you think ______ <— (your name there) is going to pay rent when you came and lived with us and did **NOT** pay rent, you are out of your damn mind!! She’s not paying a penny!” Then walk away, but under her breathe be like “cheap skate douche bag”… lol

    Sorry you’re going through this OP. This should be a huge red flag for mama though

  20. IMO If your mom says she’s against the rent thing but her boyfriend keeps bringing up the subject, that means she is just hoping that he forgets about it but is not taking any actions to protect you against this from happening.

    Being that said, I would not rely on her protection and would start talking this with uncles/grandparents to see if anyone can offer an alternative or shelter. Even if you still need to chip in a bit of money for groceries with your grandparents, at least there you would not have to deal with your mom’s boyfriend.

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