When I think about a woman I want to have sex with it is different than when I think about a woman I want to date. I am speaking mainly physical, as at this point my current preferences are appearance over personality.

For example. Today when walking to class I was walking behind a girl I view as my ideal dating partner. Very pale skin, dark hair, decent height. She also had on an outfit that I liked. The thing is, it is not like I was thinking about fucking her. I can’t give myself an erection thinking about her, but I found her to be way more beautiful than a girl I would want to fuck.

When I think about sex I think about a pretty thick, honestly to some degree depending on how I am feeling somewhat fat girl. I want them to have big tits, and have some dominance to them to be honest, I want them to be on top of me putting their breasts in my face. Also if they are older than me that makes it waaaay better. I have always been attracted to older women.

This makes me think I would end up cheating if I was to get into a relationship now, or would be unable to take it seriously, as I would never want to date one of these thick girls with big tits, however I feel a very strong need to have sex with them. I don’t know if it is something I just need to get out of my system before ever considering a relationship.

The thing is, I would not really want to be seen in public with the type of girl I would want to have sex with. If I was to bring them home to my parents, I would feel that my parents would instantly see my sexual preferences and view me as a fiend.

On the other hand, I would be proud to be seen with the other girl. If anything I would feel as if I was defiling her presence. Still, I would probably cheat on her with one of the other types of girls I have mentioned, at least at this current stage of my life.

At the end of the day, I feel as if I should just try to get out there and have sex with these thicker girls, but I am not the most outgoing person and have a lot on my plate currently.

  1. This is so wildly shallow in literally every aspect. You speak about woman as if they are ornamental objects there for your pleasure and use. Maybe spend some time working on you.

  2. If this isn’t a joke I recommend looking up the Madonna Wh*re complex. You have a very limited view of women. The fat sexy women you want could also be badass wife material, but you are limiting them to a fleshlight bc of . . Societal norms for what is “beautiful”?

    I think you answered your own question.

    Its not fucked up to be attracted to different body types, it IS rude and shallow to want to fuck a heavy woman but be embarrassed to bring her home. Also cowardly.

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