What’s some workplace etiquette that people need to keep/start doing?

  1. Gossip, this will never stop- ever. It’s so annoying tho. I’m so sick of these ppl who are talking so much shit about how she’s always late, shows up whenever the hell she wants, doesn’t close out the way she’s supposed to, blah blah blah, then she comes in to either work or pass through and everyone’s all kissing ass, hey girl what’re you doing here… bullshit! I should have labeled this ‘fake’ because that’s what they are fake ass hos

  2. I had a job once that instituted “power hours”, ex: from 2:00-4:00 this afternoon no one interrupts anyone, or chats anyone. Save your questions for non-power hour time.

    It was blissful. Got so much done.

  3. If I’m busy working, then walk right on by my desk. At least ask if now is a good time.

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