I have a good friend, we’ve known each other since middle school. We’ve kept up over the years and had been talking daily pretty much all this year. We would meet up on Tuesdays by the water to just hang. Wednesday, Nov 2, is the last time I’ve heard from him. Wish I could post the screenshot but I messaged his mom on IG (he lives with her) asking if he was okay. She says “He’s ok just going through something rn I’m the only one who can talk to him when I can tell more I’ll let you know”.
Fast forward to the 10th, I ask her how he is and she says “he’s ok hanging in there” and that’s it. I’ve known this man for probably 7 or 8 years, we didn’t argue or have conflict. There was no issues between us, his last text was him asking me how my day was and we were talking about pizza toppings. That was on the 2nd and i haven’t heard anything since. His calls go to voicemail and idk what to do. I went by his house a week ago, no one answered but his car was outside. I went by his house a couple days ago and his car wasn’t there. I asked one of his friends and they haven’t heard from him either. My next step was to go by his job and see if he’s been there since he is a workaholic but idk if they can even tell me that info. This whole situation is just odd and I miss my dawg.

TLDR My friend of 7 years is no longer responding to texts, calls go to voicemail, and his mom won’t tell me shit. Idk what to do.

  1. There’s no telling what’s going on, but it’s clear he doesnt want to talk to you. It sucks, but stop pushing it. If/when he reaches out again you might be able to get an explanation, but there’s not much you can do

  2. It sounds like he’s really taking something he’s going through really hard. Give him time and space. If his mom said she’s the only one he can talk to and other friends haven’t heard from him, then it sounds like he’s really just going through a really rough time right now. Give him some time and space to process and heal, he’ll come around when he’s ready. Best of luck to you both

  3. Please stop stalking him and making whatever difficulty that he’s facing about not taking your calls. Be a friend and give him the space he needs

  4. If you don’t trust moms. Three things you can try. 1) text him one last time asking him to respond so you at least know he’s still with the living. 2) you could do a drive by the job. If you see his car or him, you know he’s alive. If you can’t visually confirm his existence 3) consider asking for a wellness check. That’d be my #1 concern. Making sure he hasn’t met some kind of foul play.

    But if you do trust moms, then respect his space and ask mom to just give you an update whenever she is able to do so. Send him one last txt letting him know what his mom said and that you’re there for him for whatever he needs when he’s ready.

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