So in band, I play percussion. And every year the whole percussion section of every grade plays a new big piece without the rest of the band. for This piece, we’ve had it since January, but we haven’t really been VIGOROUSLY rehersing it until a month ago. We are going to perform it in a week.

The part my teacher gave me absolutely sucks. I dont play almost the entire song. I had a second part, but it got given away to the new kid. The new kid who isnt experienced now has 3 parts. But now I only have one part that barley is a part. Everyone else’s parts are very hard and important and fun. Every time we rehearse this piece, it’s very miserable for me because rehersal is 3 hours long, so I’M rehearsing to play barley anything for 3 hours.

The reason why I’m upset about it is because I’m a high ranked percussionist and I’m literally second chair. So I should have gotten a harder part and a more important part. Even the kids who are last chair have a part that’s 1000 times harder than my part. I’m very hurt that my band teacher did this to me.

So my main question is… How do I ask him why I got this part without sounding rude? What should i say? Should I even ask since it’s really late? even tho we’re almost done with this piece,It’s still really bothering me. but I dont know if I should ask him because I might come off as rude, but I also need answers..

What do I do? What do I say?

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