I was dating this guy for 3 months when he just never responded to my text. I felt he had been a bit off the week before and asked if everything was good, he said he was ‘busy with work’ and apologised for being distant but then ghosted me immediately after.
We really got along well and I miss him – I haven’t reached out, it’s been almost 2 months since the ghosting. Am I completely mad for wanting to reach out to him? I have unfollowed & removed him from social media, but I just can’t get over it and am desperate for him to come back. Do I have anything to lose & how would you approach?

  1. he ghosted you and its been two months

    i personally wouldnt contact but i dont know your relationship so if you have to, maybe just send a hey or something. if he doesnt respond i would definitely just forget about him

  2. He will in all likelihood ignore your attempt. If you know that going in….

    It can still be cathartic to put down your thoughts and send them anyway. You are doing this more for your healing than anything else.

    I agree ghosts are cowards. It doesn’t take much effort to say goodbye

  3. If he wanted to talk to you he would. No one ghosts because work is busy

    Don’t do it. Even if he agreed to grab a drink he would absolutely do the same thing again because you have essentially told him that behavior is acceptable

  4. Don’t bother. If he wanted to reach out he would have. Respect yourself, because he clearly doesn’t. Know that you deserve better.

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