What are signs that you should give up on something rather than persevere through it?

  1. If finishing it will likely increase your quality of life.

    Example: If you’re a semester away from finishing your degree but realize you don’t want to pursue that career path, finish the degree. A lot of jobs just require a bachelor’s degree that shouldn’t, anyway. If you dropped out, you’d still have all those loans and no degree at all.

    But if you’re early into a struggle or decide that the end goal won’t give important benefits later on, it’s better to quit (like with the college example, if you decide you want to drop out, better one year in than three).

  2. If it’s not healthy for you or your family and friends and strains y’all relationship. Doesn’t mean you can’t do whatever it is you were doing, just means you need some time in your life.
    Edit: I didn’t notice this is ask women, just ignore me lol

  3. When the immediate costs outweigh the long-term benefits. For example, if working really hard on highschool robotics is causing health problems, then the immediate cost (health) outweighs the long-term benefits (decorations on college applications)

  4. If you spend more time crying about it rather than smiling about it. If you know it will be over in a finite amount of time and it could benefit your life in the long run, I’d say stay. If not it’s time to call it quits.

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