If you’re uninterested in a girl after the first date, how do you let her know? Slow text, ghost or just communicate?

  1. Just tell her. Good women are way more chill when you just say shit directly. Bad women can be blocked.

  2. Communicate. I just tell her that I don’t feel that we’re a good match and that I wish her well. I don’t think it’s right to let her think it might be going somewhere when I know it isn’t. She deserves to know so she can move on.

  3. I’d just let her know, in a nice way: “hey thanks for going out with me, but I just didn’t feel like there was any chemistry between us” or something along those lines – that way you’re not wasting her time or having to deal with her trying to follow up if she felt it went well.

  4. I just have nice conversation about it and wish her well. Unless somebody “Ghosts” me, I usually am more than happy to talk it out

  5. I stop messaging her and focus on messaging other women I am talking to.

    If that doesn’t work and she follows up I do the whole “You seem like a great person but I don’t feel we are a good match. All the best on your future search though.”.

  6. It depends why I became uninterested. For most reasons I’m going to talk to her about it, maybe my reservations overlap with a good reason on her part but human being deserve communication more often than not.

  7. There’s this expectation that the guy always has to initiate at the beginning of a relationship, so it’s pretty easy to just let things fizzle. I’m not going to ignore you if you text or call, but I’m also not putting any effort into initiating conversation.

  8. I’ve been married for a long time, but if I was dating and had this situation, I would politely let her know that she’s cool but I’m not feeling like taking it further. If the situation was reversed, I would want her to let me know she wasn’t feeling it so I could move on.

  9. Depends on the vibe I get from her. If she seems cool, and we clicked, but I just didn’t feel a romantic connection, I’ll just tell her that and then try to convert it to a friendship. If I think she’s going to get angry or upset though, I just won’t text her back (I don’t consider this ghosting, because you can’t ghost someone if you don’t establish a reasonable expectation for ongoing communication in the first place).

  10. Depends on her vibe. If I get a whiff of crazy stalker vibes, I become really boring so she will move on.

    Otherwise it’s a standard I don’t see this going anywhere, good luck finding someone else.

  11. I usually follow up with an “I’m not interested, here’s some easy let down reasons why” text. They get to choose what to do with that, but it’s usually the last one I’ll send.

    IDK if this is ghosting or not?

  12. I just ghost until she texts me. If she does then I inform her that I wasn’t interested. Chances are if the date is bad you both know and no further communication is needed

  13. Ideally we’ll just mutually ghost each other, but if not, a simple “you’re great but I just didn’t feel a romantic spark” is preferable to leaving them on read or stringing them along.

  14. Ghosting is almost NEVER the right answer. Be a man. Tell her that you had a nice time but you don’t feel a spark. (Or something like that)

  15. Just communicate. Makes shit way more clear. If you’re not into her, just tell her. You don’t owe her anything and you wouldn’t want anything other than the hard truth if the tables were turned.

  16. ghosting is the bitch way out. Just send a text saying thanks but I won’t be pursuing this further (_words to that effect_)

  17. Be a man and actually communicate. Ghosting is bad because you took the easy way out while the other person gets the worst part.

  18. Just straight up…” hey, I appreciate your time and you seem great, but I just didn’t feel any chemistry… good luck out there in them streets!”

  19. If I wasn’t feeling it, I just won’t message her first. This usually means a double no-contact. If she reaches out to me first, I won’t ignore her or anything, I’ll just reject her.

  20. I’ll stop texting and when she reaches out I’ll say “I had fun but just not feeling it”

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