My ex and I recently talked for the first time in months. We both exchanged really nice words and both apologized for some things we did wrong in our relationship. We both said we miss and think of each other and that we care about each other and it was all around a very emotional conversation. Very deep.

However, I was the last one to text and the last thing I sent was Sunday. It’s been only 3 days but I really wanna talk to her lol I miss her. I think we’ve both matured and I’d be open to talking again. But I don’t want to seem desperate. I don’t think she’ll reach out immediately because I know she wants to protect her heart and I understand that.

What would you recommend? Do I send her a nice “hey how’s your week going?” Tomorrow or the next day? Or just let it be. I never mentioned anything about continuing to talk in my messages but we both said we were happy reading each others messages and we both enjoyed the nice conversation. I know I was the last to say something but as I said, she wants to take it slow she can’t immediately trust me after our rocky relationship.

My ex and I recently started talking and we both apologized and said very nice things and how we miss and think of each other. I was the last to send a message but I think everything has been said that needs to be said. Should I send a follow up? Or let it be?

  1. Personally, I would reach out. In my experience, if you feel emotional/romantic attraction, then they probably do too (I actually had an incredibly similar experience with my ex a few months ago, and we shortly after started dating and still are). I think asking how her week/weekend was is a great idea. It’s been 3 days, which I don’t think is too soon (in fact, I think 4 is a little long–but everyone has their own preferences). I say go for it :). Good luck, and I sincerely hope it works out (especially since you two have matured ❤️).

  2. I didn’t read what you posted in your question but the answer is no. You do not double text. Never. They received the first message and chose to not reply. Walk away and never look back

  3. Let it be. 3 days, she could be thinking and evaluating the relationship.

    Give it time and space.

    Leave it be.

  4. No, don’t double text her. Leave it be. If you’ve gone through a nasty break up and it’s only been months, that’s not enough time to heal. If she wants to hear from you or talk to you she will text you. If you are going to double text her regardless of the advice you get here, consider not even asking the question next time.

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