So I hope this isn’t a stupid question, but I also want to assume what his mindset is towards me!

So this incredible guy (27M) I’ve been seeing for the past few months asked me (24F) last night to be his gf. I was in utter shock, and I was so unbelievably happy to have our connection grow to the next level!

Of course I could ask him, but I don’t want to appear stupid so I thought I’d ask it out to you awesome peeps: if he’s asking me to be his gf, should I then conclude we are exclusive and he isn’t interested in seeing other people?

He is everything I have been looking for, and I just want to get some idea about whether this means we are officially a couple?!

TL;DR: New Guy I’m Seeing Asked Me to Be His GF, Does This Mean We’re Exclusive?

  1. I would think this means you’re exclusive unless he’s polyamorous, which hopefully he would have brought up by now if he was.

    That being said, you should never worry about appearing “stupid” with friends/partners. So many miscommunications happen because people feel ashamed to admit they don’t know/understand something, and those that judge people for simply trying to get clarification generally aren’t worth having a relationship with anyway.

  2. usually it’s assumed unless you’re polyamorous. i asked my boyfriend what he considers cheating to be and told him what i consider to be cheating. we’ve respected each other’s boundaries. that’s usually where couples fight over “exclusivity” because they have different definitions for cheating.

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