What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Missouri?

  1. Considerate drivers, fun people, insane caves, beautiful landscape, and Mark Twain.


    Edit to add: Further thoughts get into things like amazing woodworking, S&M clubs in the basements of abandoned churches, and people randomly dying in small towns…but I haven’t spent much time in that state, so don’t want to tint perspectives too much on what might have been rare and uncommon events.

  2. Mark Twain which leads my brain to that Star Trek episode with Mark Twain and Data’s head. Though I don’t think that episode was in Missouri

  3. To quote Don Draper, “I don’t think about[Missouri] at all.”

    The first and only thing that came to my mind was the shape. It has that little hook at the bottom.

  4. Ft. Leonard Wood. God that place sucks.

    That said, as much as I didn’t like the location, the people were super kind.

  5. The Gateway Arch, in St Louis

    Also, the worst rainstorm that I’ve ever driven in before. It was scary.

  6. That I’ve actually been to Missouri and yet can’t remember a single thing about it, which is a little weird considering I was an adult, completely sober, and stayed over at least one night.

  7. My cousins since they live there. Also my mom’s quote “I ain’t from Missouri, you ain’t gotta show me”

  8. I spent like 6 months traveling to St. Louis for work, but I’m drawing a blank. Maybe provelle “cheese.” That stuff is everywhere there, and it’s terrible.

  9. Nice people, LOTS of churches and church goings.

    I lived in Springfield for a year, where I met my now-best friend. It seemed like every person I was introduced to, immediately asked me if me and my husband (everyone is married, apparently) would like to go to church with them if I hadn’t picked one yet.

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