Zillenial here. I attended the same public school district in the suburban Midwest K-12. In elementary school (1-5) we did the pledge first thing every morning. In middle school (6-8) it was once a month. High school (9-12) was never besides combo/national anthem on 9/11. Hbu?

  1. Highschool Late 90s to Early 2000’s : Southern part of New Jersey

    Every single day in home room before morning announcements.

  2. In elementary school, we did it every day in the couple years immediately following 9/11 (I guess they thought A Pledge A Day Kept Osama Away), then stopped. I moved before I started middle school, and that school did both the pledge AND the national anthem. High School didn’t do the pledge at all, but we did have a moment of “silent reflection” on 9/11.

  3. I was in elementary school in the 70s; every morning but I don’t recall doing it anymore after around 4-5th grade

  4. We did it through elementary school for sure and definitely did not do it in high school. Middle school is a blur, but I don’t think we did it then.

  5. Every morning for every grade. A bunch of kids, including myself, started refusing to stand or say it around 7th or 8th grade, though. We’d just sit there in silence and go on with life.

  6. Graduated from a High School in Massachusetts in 2010.

    The Pledge came over the intercom every morning, but practically nobody stood for it, much less recited it. Those that did tended to be teased pretty heavily.

    People regularly talked through it as well.

  7. 9/11 happened when I was in Kindergarten so I remember doing it then up until 3rd grade, afterwards we never did it again.

  8. In 2002 or 2003 it became required to do it every day, we all had to stand and say it unless our parents wrote a note excusing us. The law requiring students to do this is still on the books in Texas and afaik still enforced. However I have never said or felt the need to say the pledge of allegiance after I graduated high school in the 2000s lol.

  9. After 2nd grade, barely ever unless I was bored. Once I hit middle school, not at all and no one else did either. Teachers didn’t care and didn’t get up for it either. It wasn’t a big deal.

  10. Class of 95 here. I think we did it every day. I honestly don’t remember. We’re asked to do a million different things growing up/in school, the pledge was no more or less significant than any of them. Stand in line, walk in pairs, wait your turn, etc…it’s just an exercise in following orders.

  11. I was in school between 1992 and 2004 in Massachusetts.

    We did the pledge every day of every grade.

    Wasn’t until years later I realized how creepy it was to force kids to pledge allegiance to a flag.

    Glad it’s fading out of style apparently. It’s one thing for military or government to have something like that, but making 10 year olds recite a thing like that is just weird.

  12. The local schools here still do it every morning at every level.

    The new high school principal that took over a couple of years ago made an immediate rule that you had to say last stand up for it, but apparently someone educated him on the law faster than me, because that was rescinded immediately. He made it clear he wasn’t happy about it though.

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