Hello! Just as the title says, I’m curious
about the psychology or cause of a fat
fetish. I’ve had one for as long as I can
remember, and I’ve tried figuring out why.
Most answers I see are on discussion
boards like quora, but there’s so many different
answers, | guess I haven’t found one that
satisfies my curiosity. Just curious if anyone
here might have the answer or any studies
or anything. Even personal experience, if
you know why you have yours, might help.
Thank you!

P.S. – If there’s a better sub to post this on,
please let me know! Thanks!

  1. You are attracted to fat people. That is not or at least should not be a fetish. Fat people are people who deserve respect. Not inanimate objects or sex acts to be objectified. The reasons we are attracted to certain people are probably too complicated to truly unravel.

  2. Like attracts like/trauma is drawn to trauma. Something you’ve experienced in life is similar to something a bigger person experienced. Outward appearance is just what grabs attention. The desire is for unconscious reasons. Only thing making them “different” from you is body type.

    Can you recall the first fat person to have a major effect on your emotions? Might stem from childhood and not be anything sexual. Could’ve been a teacher you hated. Sex is letting out pent up and repressed emotions and it sounds like you’re seeking to do just that.

  3. If you had said I’m into BBW women and not called it a fat fetish you likely would have gotten different responses. As long as you treat curvy women with respect and don’t see treat them as lesser women, then it’s fine.

  4. Fat fetishes aren’t developing. They’ve been around forever. It doesn’t matter why you like it. Enjoy it and stop worrying about other people’s preferences.

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