So two weeks ago I sent my manager a two weeks notice over text. I wanted to give my boss a note but I have social anxiety so I was freaking out too much to actually go through with it.
I feel like the notice was nice enough, something along the lines of “Hey! Thanks for letting me work with you and the others, but I’ve decided to focus on school for now! I appreciate the opportunity, but this is my two weeks notice!”
It was longer than that though, a bit more personal. I thought that was fine because my manager didn’t respond to my text for a week, but last week I come into work and she goes “I’m gonna need that two weeks notice in writing.” Like- WHAT?!
She had ALL WEEK to tell me that but no, she waited until last minute!
I’m scared this means she didn’t accept my two weeks notice. I can’t work another two weeks, I got a much better higher paying job. I’m not wasting my time working for her if I could be paid way more somewhere else.
What do I do?

EDIT: Just to clear some things up. I work at a small restaurant where the only way to communicate with your employers/co-workers outside of face to face is through text. I don’t have my manager’s email or my boss’s email. I’m like 80% sure this is a weird setup for workplace communication so I should’ve included it in my original post. I cannot contact my boss and I can only contact my manager through text or face to face.

  1. I’ve been in management for nearly 10 years and I live in the US. If you’re not in the US, these insights may not apply.

    Giving notice to resign is a formality. There are several valid reasons why employers prefer to receive a written, formal, resignation letter at least 2 weeks in advance, but you have the right to quit employment at any time without notice.

    If you ever see the question “have you ever resigned without giving advanced notice” on a job application, feel free to click “no” without hesitation. It’s okay for them to ask the question on an application, but the vast majority of companies make it standard policy to only provide the information required by law when responding to verifications of employment, and nothing else, and that information is not on the list.

    Hope this helps.

  2. You don’t have to do any such thing but if he’s being a dick about it, send it in writing but start off with “further to my text message of (insert date text was sent), my last day with the company will be (insert original end date as noted in the text)

  3. Regardless of whether she accepts it or not, you are entitled to quit when you want to. I second the suggestion to send a written letter reiterating that you had this conversation earlier but are still resigning on the same day you intended. Giving two weeks is a professional courtesy, and she did not return that courtesy in kind by trying to subtly keep you for another week. You already have another job lined up, so she can’t do anything to retaliate.

  4. She’s playing you shawty. Upgrade that last week to a 0 week notice. You don’t even have to show up. Adios bitch byeee. You can use a coworker as a reference if you want

  5. “As per my text on X date, my last date working for you will be Y. Thank you for the opportunity.”

    Then after that day, you don’t come in anymore.

    That said, I gave my boss five weeks’ notice I was retiring, then they started pulling shenanigans, and I told her I was moving up my retirement up to that day, two weeks early. There wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.

    ETA: If you don’t have the boss’s email, print it out on paper and hand it to her, same wording.

  6. You don’t even HAVE to give two weeks notice. You could have terminated your employment right that moment if you wanted. They can’t force you to work there. You have free will. Two weeks notice is just a courtesy.

  7. You don’t have to work a second longer than you want to. Tell them your resignation is effective immediately.

  8. Lol you should tell her “actually I’m quitting now, thanks”

    Employees are not obligated to give two week notices. You gave one. She’s just being difficult with you

  9. Dude you gave it to her in writing. She’s just trying to get an extra two weeks of work out of you.

    Just stop showing up. Their problem not yours. You gave notice. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  10. If you don’t need the job reference then you don’t need the notice. Your manager doesn’t have any power here

  11. In the US, it is not needed to put in your two weeks, its a formality to end things on a good note, you put one in, now its your 2 weeks left of work, if your manager didnt accept it, it doesnt matter, they don’t need to. It just gives them 2 weeks to find your replacement. Just work your two weeks and leave, if they call you back saying get into work you state you put in your notice and served it out.

  12. Screw that. Do not work an extra 2 weeks, and do not give in to her power trip. You have one week left there. She saw your text, and you have no actual obligation to give a notice to begin with. Some managers can get petty and see an employee leaving as the employee is causing them problems, so they try to make it tough for you. I’ve had a few jobs that I left on great terms, but my manager or hr got really passive aggressive over minor things in the last couple weeks.

  13. Give her the two weeks notice like she asked, and back date it to when it was originally delivered. include a screenshot of your text if necessary.

  14. “This resignation letter is a follow up from the notice given via text on (date). As previously stated, my last day will be (date). Thank you again.” As others said, two weeks is a courtesy. You aren’t asking permission to be allowed to stop working for them. You’re letting them know the date after which you will no longer be coming to work. What they do after that date isn’t your problem. You don’t work there anymore. If they push back say, “My last day can’t be changed. I won’t be back in after (date).”

  15. Just stop showing up. They wouldn’t give a 2 weeks if you were fired. It’s a courtesy not mandatory

  16. Your response should be “it was a notice, not a debate” and then change it to zero weeks. The fucking brass neck of that manager, honestly

  17. Bahahaha, 2 weeks notice doesn’t exist! It was created by employers to cover their asses. You don’t owe them anything.

  18. As others said, you don’t have to give a two week notice. You don’t have to give notice at all. And even if you did, text IS in writing. I wouldn’t even go back because they already decided they’ll fuck you over if they want to. A notice is only to be polite and they aren’t returning that politeness, so fuck them. Also, managers who take someone quitting as a personal insult are weird and unprofessional as hell. Don’t put up with it.

  19. Sure go ahead and write it on a letter if you don’t mind.

    “Hi, as requested I am putting my resignation from work in writing. I had already informed supervisorname through text that I was leaving and giving 2 week notice on 11/3/2022. Today 11/17/2022 is the last day of my employment.”

    And if they say no I need you to work 2 more weeks, say no I can’t do that. And even if writing the letter is too much trouble than just say no lol.

    They’re just trying to milk some more out of you and hope you are too meek to say no. Say no. Something similar happened to my friend except he actually gave a written letter to his supervisor about a 2 week notice on a Thursday. The supervisor literally balled up the letter threw it in a trashcan and said lets talk about it tomorrow. The supervisor didn’t even bother to talk to my friend again the next day but he did schedule my friend for 2 more weeks from that Friday. Its because Fridays are the most busy day in that company and the supervisor was trying to get him to work one more Friday. My friend just said nope not coming in that Friday last day is Thursday and the supervisor didn’t try to fight it.

  20. I wouldn’t interpret this as rejecting your two weeks notice, they just want documentation that shows you resigned, not that they fired you. That was you can’t file unemployment.

    Just put it in writing that you messaged them on (previous date) and your last date will be (whatever you previously told them).

    Add screen shots.

    They can’t make you stay, and is a future employer ever is told you didn’t give notice, you still have that text you could keep, but I wouldn’t be too stressed about it.

  21. yeah that’s not something they have to accept. you’re telling them what you’re going to do – not requesting

    if they don’t like it they can kick rocks. leave in 2 weeks or just leave immediately

  22. If it’s through text isn’t it already in writing? Either way rewrite the letter but date it with the original date that you sent your resignation on. And if there’s any dispute you have that text. Good luck at your new job!

  23. There’s no law saying you have to give any notice at all. Take a screenshot of the text you sent, you DID provide your notice in writing. Via text. Your last day is your last day.

    Simply don’t show up after that, that’s all you have to do. If they don’t get their shit together, you’ll have burned a relationship bridge with them and i wouldn’t use them for a reference in the future but who cares? you already got a better job. Go kick ass at that one.

  24. As a former manager, no lol. You didn’t do anything wrong and you don’t need to provide a small restaurant a formal two week notice. I’ve had someone text me and say they have to quit immediately and I was cool with it because life happens! People come across better opportunities, have emergencies, or simply just don’t want to work there anymore. I always thanked them and wished them well in the future. This person is just toxic. It will be okay! 🙂

  25. Whether or not they accept it you leave after your 2 weeks you gave them. Save acreenshots. I had contracts at work that said I can’t leave without 2 weeks notice. I gave 5 weeks notice and they laughed and told the managers I wasn’t leaving and I’d stay. They didn’t take me seriously and said I was going. They offered me a new position and I declined. I was told by my direct supervisor they laughed and said I’d never leave. They didn’t train or hire someone to replace me. They thought I’d stay up until my last day and they didn’t think I’d leave.

  26. Notice is a courtesy – you wouldn’t be given notice for being terminated.

    Explain that the text was the writing, that your last day will be XXX, and if they choose to schedule you after that, they will only be making their own lives more difficult.

    You did good, they’re the buttholes.

  27. Put it in writing with the same exit date you sent through text. It’s fine and they will be fine. Good luck with school!

  28. “As stated in the text message I sent you on 99/99/9999 I am leaving this job as of 99/99/9999. Thank you for the opportunity to work here.

    Your signature”

    You don’t need it to be accepted. They just want it in writing so you can’t say you were terminated and collect unemployment.

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