If you got arrested what would your friend think you got arrested for?

  1. The only thing that comes to mind is my potentially being arrested while attending a protest. Other than that, I imagine they would suspect I was framed or that the police got the wrong person.

  2. Weed.

    Its illegal where I live.

    But it has helped me immensely with anxiety and depression and a dependency upon the meds related to it all. Marijuana helped move past all of it. I got a fresh start in my life with the help I toked. It is what it is.

    I’m careful though. Or try to be.

  3. Well, my boyfriend once told me that I’m “criminally cute,” so expect to see the headline “Local Woman Arrested For Cuteness.”

  4. My husband would definitely think that I got in a fight somewhere and beat someone’s ass (I was actually arrested for this in high school and got sentenced to probation)

  5. well, I’m a very non confrontational person (at least irl lol) and also never overstepped the law in my life, so if I got arrested there are 2 possibilities:

    1 I was framed/the police messed up

    2 I did it and it was massive and meticulously planned through (think something like you see in Detective Conan murder is however not necessarily involved)

  6. Losing my temper in a fantastic way and potentially beating someone with a blunt object, or beating something with a someone.

  7. Something really unhinged. The running joke is that my life is exactly like a sitcom so it would absolutely be something that sounds unreal.

    Goes for a hike, finds buried treasure – oh but surprise. The buried treasure is already claimed by an underground cult. Chaos ensues. 😅

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