I met this girl on the street and she remembered me from primary school so its been like 15 years idk how she can remembered me. I’m struggling with anxiety, depression and lots of shitty stuff for 2 years and she made me happy after a long time idk i think i forgot what being happy is. she is sooo kind and nice to me and i feel like she likes me too and i’m talking to her like we are in relationship for a week because idk i dont want to lose her. But these days i feel like she is kinda cold to me idk. But we are talking just like 1 week. Should i say her that i love her? Or should i wait like a couple weeks more? Sorry for my bad english and if you readed all of it thank you 🙂

  1. Do not say you love her.

    # Do not say you love her.

    OP look man, one week is CRAZY FAST to tell anyone you love them, from an outsider looking this is a huge red flag.
    I get you’ve been Anxiey and depressed for ages and she’s came along making you feel really good but at the same time it’s *not* healthy to make someone your entire source of happiness.

    What exactly do you mean you’re talking like your in a relationship? We can’t do much to help through the internet but if possible I want to make sure this isn’t a case of *you* think you’re both talking like you’re in a relationship but she’s just being friendly. (We see this way too often)

    You’ve been speaking for a week, right? And “these days” she’s been kinda cold? How long? It’s only been a week so we could potentially be talking about half the entire time you’ve been talking again man, I reiterate; Do not say you love her.

    Be friends and enjoy each others company sure, but if you’re going to tell someone you love them wait until you’ve both established very clearly that you have romantic feelings for each other instead of just springing it on her, that could put someone in a very awkward position.

  2. Bro try to get your act together first. Yeah she showed you kindness etc but that doesnt necessarily mean she directly wants to marry you. Maybe even she really likes you but telling her after one week that you love her could blow it all up. Try to build a connection with her. Go meet with her. Do activities together that she enjoys. Get back into life. I feel your situation. When you are so desperately in need of love you go crazy the first time someone is kind to you. Espacially if its a cute girl. Thats why you need to curb yourself. Just signalize her you really appreciate her but dont be a needy dude thats life was shit and if you dont have her you are nothing but a wreck. Build yourself. Make yourself a desirable person. Not in a psycho way but be someone that people appreciate. Make others lives more enjoyable. And then when you feel like you two built a connection you can go ahead and tell her. Timing is very important. You wouldnt go up to a stramger and ask her if she wanna marry you. But if you asked her out in a smooth way and build a realationship maybe one day you would have married the same person. I hope its clear what I mean

  3. Think of something you’d like to do (movie, see a band, go for a walk and grab a coffee, rock climb, whatever) that would be more fun with another person. Ask her to go do that thing with you.

  4. It sounds like you’re moving too fast. She might have been interested In the start but now she maybe feeling overwhelmed and uncomfortable with how aggressive you’re being. You said you’ve only been talking a week but you’re talking to her like your in a relationship? From now on I’d take things slow and get to know her just as friends.

  5. Don’t hold on too tight, that pushes things away. Enjoy her presence and the process of deepening the bond. Be okay with the idea of “losing” her (if that ever even happens,) that’ll help you enjoy her in the now more.

    Im happy for you, enjoy yourself. 🙂

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