Me (19m), my GF (19f), my partner (18NB), and my best friend (18NB)


Ok so recently my town held a con for a weekend like it does every year. This year I made plans to go with my partners and best friend because I wanted to see all the cool cosplays and even bought a weekend pass for myself about 2 months before it happened. Everyone said they’d be able to go and that they’d buy tickets the next time they were paid. As time went on I kept asking if they had bought tickets for it and they said not yet. I was already getting anxious because the con was near and no one else had bought tickets yet. (Spoiler alert they never did anyways)

The night before the con I notice on the life360 that my partner and GF were at our friend’s house staying over for the night. I thought it was so it would be easier in the morning for my GF considering they lived closer than me and my GF did. I asked my partner if they were still going and they said probably not (which I kinda expected because stuff changed in their life so I wasn’t too upset) and our friend never bought tickets as well which really annoyed me

The con rolls around and I get up early considering I live on the other side of town from where it was being held in the city and start my journey on public transport. While I’m on the train I kept texting my GF and asking if she was still going and even tried to call her and my partner. I get to the train station in the city with still no response so I wait around a bit. I’m already on the verge of a panic attack because I’m in the city **ALONE** which is not a great idea and my partner calls me back.

In the calmest voice I can muster I ask them if GF is still going. In the background, I hear her say “Probably not. My mum wants me home.” And I start to panic. I say ok and quickly hang up. I end up having to go into the bathroom to have my panic attack because I didn’t want others to see. After I’m emotionally drained I get back on the train and see the notification that my GF and partner had left our friend’s house.

I meant to swipe it away but accidentally opened the app (old phone problems) and saw that not only my GF was heading back to her house but our partner too (our partner lives about a 5-minute walk from our friend while GF lives closer to me). I get confused and decided to keep an eye on the app. By the time I was home, I could see that GF and partner were hanging out at the shopping center near GF’s house and I felt like crying. I’ve barely talked to both of them since this happened but last night partner sent an ‘ily’ snap to me and tonight GF called me about tickets to a musical next year that the three of us should go to.

I feel like I’m being petty and should text them like I used to but I also feel hurt and It’s really affected my mental health.


TLDR; My GF said she couldnt hang out only to end up hanging out with our other partner, leaving me in the city to have a panic attack and my mental health has declined because of it

1 comment
  1. Tell them what happened and hopefully they take you off the life360 app. It’s supposed to be for emergencies, not tracking people and watching their movements.

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