I (26M) have (slight) autism (Asperger) and have never dated anyone before in my life. My autism isn’t as strong as portrait in movies/shows, I believe a lot of people would not even know I do have it, but it does affect things like talking to woman or any kind of intimacy.

I am someone who spends almost all of this time alone in his room (currently still living with my parents (quite common where I’m from) but looking to move out in the near future.

I have always been too shy, afraid, unconfident to approach women my age without a reason (for work, to ask a specific question). I have had crushes on girls before (including, years ago, the woman I’m about to go on a date with), but never acted on them.

This woman and me play the same sport since we were kids, she hasn’t played much in the previous years, but came back to play more as of a few months ago. We have talked on multiple occasions, which went quite well since we share a common interest (love of movies/tv). I recently learned that she broke up with her boyfriend (of about 4 years) near the beginning of this year and thought this was my chance to ask her out. (She also mentioned she was living alone / going to watch a movie alone\* multiple times, I am very bad at picking up signs (either that or I have never gotten any) but I thought about that a lot)

\* I had already made plans to go watch that movie with some friends. I did invite her to come with, but she was unavailable at that time.

Last week I spent the whole time feeling off (not eating much, sick in my stomach) just thinking about asking her out (I’ve never asked anyone out before) and I finally did it. She said yes, or more specifically “Because you asked so nicely” which I keep overanalyzing. I asked her if she wanted to get a drink with me or go bowling or something (I thought a movie wouldn’t give us much time to talk). She said she’s not good at bowling but asked follow-up questions about the drink. The upcoming weekend we’re both unavailable so a precise date has not been said but I asked her to message me when she would like to do it. (God I hope she actually will)

Now for my main problem, I have never done anything like go on a date before. Or been alone with a woman outside of work / Specific situations. Not just that, but because of the autism I have problems with affection and picking up signals. I wouldn’t know or dare when (or really how) to hug/kiss someone, so I’m afraid that if she doesn’t initiate any affection that I might seem uninterested / miss out on things. That’s on top of the constant fear of me being uninteresting, not good enough, …

I’m looking for any tips about the date itself, the preparation, what to do before/after, anything intimacy related, what to wear (I like wearing suits, but that would not be ideal to wear to a bar I’d assume), what to talk about (since we already know each other the usual opener “how’s work” isn’t going to cut it), Since we’re going for a drink we’ll probably be biking there. Should I bike to her apartment (I currently don’t have the exact address) or meet her there?…

I’m also not someone who drinks often or a lot, so I’m not sure if a beer would loosen me up or do the exact opposite.

Any advice you can think of really, I’m so scared of messing this up and giving up on finding someone all together. Also since she has dated before (I’m not sure how much, at least the longtime boyfriend of 4 years) she might have some expectations. Should I tell her I’ve never dated/had a girlfriend before? About the autism? Will that scare her off or make her more aware if I act strange.

  1. Tell her about the aspergers and suggest googling it because she might not know what that is.

    Tell her you may miss visual or verbal cues to progress the date and that she may need to be more assertive with her needs from you.

    Hopefully you can navigate your way through this!

  2. Don’t know I have trouble finding dates myself, but my cousin has similar symptoms and he has a beautiful family now and he’s like 28. So there is hope!

  3. I am a 24F and i was super shy for most my life, I think I have undiagnosed social anxiety. I never really put myself out there. I was bullied daily by classmates and just felt like no one cared about me at all. Was very low in life for a long time.. I met my boyfriend when I was 23. He’s my 1st basically everything, except I made out with one guy before him. I’m what they call a “late bloomer” but I’m so glad I waited so long to find him because he actually cares and loves me for who I am and I do the same for him. We’ve been together for almost a year now. I hope you find what I find one day. Wish you the best ❤️

  4. Don’t wear a suit to the first date and just figure out a general plan together, including how the both of you will get to the venue 🙂 Wear your favorite shirt or something you think makes you look nice. Definitely don’t drink too much, but a beer probably won’t hurt. You can actually talk to her about Asperger’s – I’m pretty sure you’ve heard at least some stories about people who have it, or maybe she has. You don’t have to make it a big revelation, it’s just a fact of life.
    As for other topics, you can also ask her about work or about the sport you used to train together 🙂 Small talk is good, though I know it can be challenging for people on the spectrum. That way you can find out what her life is like and ask some more questions, to which she hopefully will answer with her own regarding your life. Don’t worry about it too much – I know it might sound unlikely, but the right people usually find a way to get along with you regardless of whether you pick up on cues perfectly or not.

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