Once a week my family has a beans on toast night. Just a super quick, tasty, filling meal for a busy weeknight. What other meals are as fast and tasty as beans on toast that we could try? Thanks a lot.

  1. Beans on potato waffles.

    Tinned spaghetti with potato waffles if you want to go carb or carb.

  2. If I’m that drunk it’s usually toast on beans on carpet in front of telly night.

  3. Pasta and Pesto
    Boil pasta, dump jar of red pesto over it once cooked and drained.

  4. I always forget how good beans on toast is, soup is a good quick meal, with some crusty bread to dip

  5. We do sausage beans and chips for my lazy cooking night. Sausages and chips both go in the airfryer for 20 mins, beans in the microwave for 2, job done.

  6. Freezer Tea – sweet potato fries/ wedges with chicken kiev/chicken dippers and beans/sweetcorn

  7. – Fried egg and oven chips
    – Omelet
    – Jacket potato (get proper ones and just put them in the oven in the morning on a timer)
    – Bacon sandwich
    – Ham and cheese toasties

  8. Naan bread, tomato puree on top, grated cheese over the top. Jalapenos, peppers, whatever you want on top.

    Put in the oven for 20 minutes and you have a healthier version of a pizza. Very tasty too.

  9. Half of these suggestions sound like lunches. I always have a big meal for tea. Beans on toast would not fill me up.
    I do like sausage, mash and beans as a comfort food tea.

  10. We had chilli dogs tonight. Just jumbo hot dogs and a tin of chills with lots of cheese on. 10 mins in total.

  11. American here. I come in peace. I love toast but I don’t understand the combination with beans. Is it canned beans? What kind of bean? Is there a certain way to cook it? I genuinely want to know. I always see posts/things about an “English” breakfast or beans and toast and it looks amazing but I want to know what about that makes it authentic? Sorry if I sound ignorant. It seems like an English staple and I would love to know more. Thanks.

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