I (18f) have been seen this guy (20m) for a while now and it’s been very nice.

I’ve been single for about 6 months now and during that time grew a bad habit of not feeling emotions for any guy I would see no matter how long we’d be hanging out.

So recently since hanging with this new guy I’ve noticed I’m starting to think about him often and feel so different when he’s in my presence, but I’m scared .
Do I let my guard down and give it a chance with him or do I go back to my old habits? Im really fight my myself with back and forth yes’s then no’s.

I’m weirded out from how attached I’m feeling from going from a long period of time not being able to feel anything like that towards another guy.

  1. Ask him. Talk to him about it. Sounds like normal girl behavior for wanting commitment. Let your guard down be woman hear yourself roar. The worse thing that happens is you gain experience in being open and learn the desensitization process.

  2. What do you want from this, from him, for yourself? What are you afraid of? Everything ends and every ending is a new beginning. You can spend your whole life afraid of what’s coming out enjoy what’s here with you now while you have it. The choice is yours, just figure out what you want first.

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