Men who get into a relationship immediately after being in one, why?

  1. Self-deprecating behavior? They are a masochist? Insanity? They like to live dangerously?

    Those are the only ones that really came to mind that made sense because all the other things that I came up with either seemed like an unnecessary amount of work or questionable in logic 🤪

  2. Well ive never done this, im on like a year long break after my last relationship

    But i can imagine after a relationship ends someone would feel super lonely and really miss the feeling of having a significant other and all the good parts of a relationship

    So they’d want to find that company and all those good things somewhere else

  3. Why not? I liked someone before ,I like someone else now. No reason to miss out on someone just because I was with someone else’s a week before

  4. Because we met and it felt right.

    There wasn’t much to get over from my old relationship, we’d been broken up in my head for a long time before I got the stones to actually end things officially.

  5. I assume you’re talking about your ex. I’ve seen this with friends, and my own sisters.

    The shitty truth is because he’d “checked out” of your relationship months ago and found a new and exciting girl to keep him busy.

  6. If you’re the one who ended the relationship, sometimes you could’ve been over the person a long time before things ended.

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