I met him on a dating app. We met for drinks and he brought me flowers! During the date he followed me on IG (I told him I barely knew him for that), things were going really well, we spoke about our second date, made out, he dropped me off home after being together for more than 5 hours, walked me to my door, hugged me tight and told me he’d miss me. He texted me when he got home.

I don’t date often and I felt that it was a perfect first date. The conversation just flowed, the attraction was mutual, he was a gentleman throughout the night. He said he wasn’t dating anyone at the moment.

The next day we spoke briefly. Day after that barely spoke and then he didn’t text back. Day after that I texted him and nothing!

It’s been about a week now and I’ve been feeling incredibly discouraged, sad, the night keeps looping in my head as to what went wrong. I cannot believe he ghosted me. He’s still following me on IG! He has not viewed my stories or posted. I just do not understand.

Is there anyone out there that can provide insight?

  1. So being followed on Instagram is the line,but playing tonsil tennis on the first date is not, interesting.

  2. It’s hard to be insightful about someone we don’t know but it’s absolutely possible that he found the date to be enjoyable but also realised that you’re not the right match for him. And that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with what you said or did. Sometimes we just get a feeling. And it just doesn’t work. And not all people have the guts to just admit that. I know it’s super discouraging to just not hear from someone, but it happens, and if he hasn’t found time to text you back, he’s probably not interested in a second date.
    I know it’s easier said than done but for your own peace of mind, it’s probably good to move on and accept he’s not interested.

  3. Sorry to hear that this happened! But it’s his loss. I went on a fun date with a guy, but we weren’t interested in each other like that afterward. It happens.

  4. There’s no reason insight we can offer. Literally anything could be the reason. Sucks to not communicate, but it’s OLD, so that’s just par for the course. Being that it’s OLD, you should be talking to a few other dudes anyway so just move on.

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