Like shoes, pants, shirts

  1. Lots of baggy stuff. Being a fat gangster kid in the 90’s was in fashion so maybe you can bring it back.

  2. Get into shape.

    If you want, I can dm you for workout and nutrition plans.

    Don’t just accept your body – change it. You will regret it otherwise your entire life.

  3. Wear clothes that fit. Don’t try to hide things with way oversized clothing. It looks bad and sloppy. Extra attention to hygiene bc sweat and stereotypes.

    Really though it’s confidence. If they carry themselves well and think they look good no matter then they’ll look good.

  4. As someone who has battled weight issues my whole life…

    You really want to get in better shape.

    It’s just night and day better.

    I’m not saying that you have to live at the gym until you have abs…

    Just slim down some. Develop more stamina and physical ability. It will literally change your life.

    Get a smart watch and just start taking walks and managing your calories. And drink water instead of anything with sugar. That’s a solid start that will drop 20+ pounds over a few months without even really trying.

    You just have to do a little bit every day.

    And it’s worth it.

  5. The most important aspect of fashion is fit. Well-fitting clothes can make even super plain or super crazy outfits look good. And poor fit can make even the nicest clothes look like shit.

    If you’re obese, the fit will never look good. You need to lose weight before you worry about being fashionable.

  6. Lose weight.

    Trust an obese 45 year old with diabetes, high BP, and gout on this one…

  7. As a former obese teen boy the best fashion advice I have is to lose weight.

    You CAN do it. I swear. Don’t even worry about the gym, you can’t outrun a bad diet. Focus on your eating habits first.

    Beyond that, find clothes that FIT. Don’t just wear big stuff that makes it look like you’re wearing a tent. Well fitting clothes look good on big men. Clothes that are too small make you look like a stuffed sausage and clothes that are too big make you look like you’re wearing a moomoo.

  8. Even if you’re fat, buy clothes that *fit*. Lots of fat people get self conscious and wear baggy, loose clothes thinking that it will hide the fat. It doesn’t; it just makes your *entire figure* look dumpy and saggy. Your clothes should fit close to your body without being tight or restricting your movement. It makes you look cleaner and more put together, even though you might think you’re highlighting your fatness.

  9. You’re probably not liking responses that day to get in shape. But it really is your best option.
    Your teenage years are your prime for being active and building muscle mass. Definitely take advantage of your body’s abilities at that age. Find an outfit activity that you enjoy, and do a LOT of it. Then find a female friend to take shopping with you.

  10. Can’t outrun a shit diet. Learn to be hungry. Work out and exercise. Find some exercise you like. They’re not all horrible. Hate the gym because of people, try Rucking or Hiking.

  11. It’s something I learned late, but don’t wear baggy clothes to try to hide the weight, it doesn’t, you end up just looking fat and also bummy. It’s better to just wear clothes that actually fit.

  12. youre not a woman so you dont get “Ohhhhh MA GAWD boii that looks so cute on you!1!!!11” Just loose the weight and everything will look good on you.

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