Firstly, I believe everything she says is valid, so I’m not here to ask if I’m in the wrong or not. What I need is some advice and insight on what to do and how she may be feeling.

So I have a midterm tomorrow so I went with my girlfriend to our university student Center to study. We took a little break to eat some pizza we ordered and when I finished I told her I was leaving to get a drink from a water fountain. I drink some water, and then I go to the washroom to wash my hands but on the way I see some people I haven’t seen since I lived in residence last year. I wasn’t planning on having a conversation but I ended up making eye contact with one of the two girls I knew, I’ll call her O. We both recognized each other so I went to say hi and ask her how she’s been doing and as I’m walking I see H, the girl who liked me during my first year.

Just to add detail, my gf has known from the very beginning that I never had feelings for H (I met them around the same time and I complained about the attention H would give me), but she is uncomfortable with me around other women. I am very dedicated to her and would never cheat, but I made the mistake of watching porn during our relationship. It was a normal thing in my last relationship but I made the mistake of never asking my current gf if she was okay with it. News flash, she isn’t. In fact, she knew from when she was young that she could never be with someone who has watched porn because it would break her, and it did. It was my mistake for never asking her.

Anyways, we all talked for about 4 minutes when I felt my phone vibrate. My girlfriend gets very anxious when I don’t update her on things so I responded immediately and told her who I saw. After that, we talk for 6 more minutes before I tell them I have things to get back to and I leave. When I check my phone I see she left a rant for me, explicitly expressing her disapproval of the situation. It was finished off with “U might wanna go back your things are unattended.” And when I get back to where we were, she’s gone.

I just need someone to talk to because I am getting really bad anxiety over this and I have to study for a midterm tomorrow. What do I do?

  1. I’m a very jealous girlfriend, I know this and am working on it. But that behavior is pretty extreme even to me. Is there nothing else missing from the story (just asking not accusing)? If it’s a girl that you never entertained at all then you did nothing wrong and your girlfriend is overreacting. I respect that you validated her feelings tho 👍
    I agree with the other comment, study for your midterm. Send her a message saying you would love a chance to communicate with her and work on things with her…if that’s what you would want.
    But honestly, she would need to adjust her behaviour at least a bit. If you do get a chance to talk, try establishing boundaries that work for both of you, without you having to avoid all women for the rest of your life!
    Good luck on your test!

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