Artemis I just launched the other day – looks like NASA’s serious about taking us back to the moon.

I personally support the effort – I wasn’t alive during Apollo so I think this could be an amazing opportunity to inspire a new generation of scientists and engineers. I also think science is one of the best long term investments you can make (Apollo resulted in dozens of advancements in materials, computing, networking etc.)

That being said people have critiqued Apollo for being too expensive and the money could’ve been better spent on “at home” problems. A viewpoint that I personally disagree with (investment in space and science is a long term investment in humanity).

What do you guys think? Is it money well spent?

  1. I don’t know. I kind of wish we’d go somewhere besides the moon at this point. Been there, done that sort of thing, But I don’t care too much either way. Hardly something I am passionate about.

  2. With the rise of the Chinese space advancements we need to show dominance. I’m being serious. China is rising as a world power, and when we first went to the moon a big part of it was to win the “space race” and show the USSR that we were better than them. We need to do the same thing again to show china that we still have technological dominance, and insinuate that we can and will technologically beat them in any conflict that may arise.

    I know a lot of people will disagree with me on this, and I will neither elaborate nor debate people on this point.

  3. It’s cool that it’s in cooperation with ESA. NASA and ESA should work together way more. Like it or not, we’re part of the same team (the free west, that is)

  4. I never bought that argument that we only have enough money to go to the moon OR fix problems. We blow so much more money on dumber shit. We just lack the political will to do both. Yeah, Artemis isn’t cheap but I think it just an argument in favor of privatizing that part of the industry.

    Space travel and exploration should always be on the priority list in my opinion.

  5. It’s necessary. We need to get our mojo back as a society and start doing things again.

  6. I really can’t wait to see people walk on the moon. I was a baby in 1969 and I would dearly love to see a live landing and see someone walk on the moon.

    I’m weirdly excited about it and I think it’s worth the money. We don’t just get a man on the moon. Our return is also in the innovation and knowledge we gain just figuring out how to get people up there.

  7. I stayed up all night to watch the launch! I was sooo excited! I swore they were going to cancel it again when they started having those issues on Artemis I.
    But they didn’t! 🙌🏾🎉🎊. I think it’s incredible and that the information and experience we can gather from these travels will be invaluable in the future for everyone! I hope at some point it becomes cheaper to build the rockets and technology but that’s the way it goes sometimes.

  8. The people that say the money could be better spent at home are very often the same people that object to plans that fund education, Healthcare, infrastructure, housing, and basically anything that would actually help Americans

    I’m a huge fan of increasing NASA’s budget, but I feel going back to the moon isn’t the best mission.

    Hopefully it’ll push other countries to fund their space programs. Whatever the next goal is, I’m hoping we don’t lose it like we lost the space race to the soviets

  9. The return to the moon is long overdue. Hopefully a base would be established on the moon in the not too distant future.

  10. Space and science and technology in general is worthwhile and beneficial to invest in. I think NASA’s long term plan is a permanent lunar base as a replacement to the ISS, and I’m all on board (figuratively) for that.

  11. I’m all for giving NASA every cent they ask for and then some. However, I just don’t know what this mission back to the moon is supposed to accomplish. I’m 100% behind things like Webb, NGR, Drsgonfly, etc. I guess I’m much more interested in learning more about things I can’t easily see by looking out of my window.

  12. Should never have stopped. We would be so much further along if we didn’t take decades “off” from the concept of deep space exploration.

  13. Great, we need to spread to other planets to endure the survival of the species.

    Returning to the moon is the next step

  14. Given all the false starts, program cancellations and budget issues that have plagued the NASA manned space program, I’m kind of in “believe it when I see it” mode.

  15. I think the prospect of setting up long term launch operations at the Moon is the most exciting part. Both manned and unmanned spaceflight will benefit from the ability to launch large projects in stages, assemble them on the Moon and then launch into deeper space

  16. My grandparents got to watch the moon landings on tv. They could also remember the first time they ever saw a car.

    I would love to see people walk on the moon like my grandparents got to over half a century ago.

  17. I’m down. It’s a lot of money, but humanity may need to leave Earth some day and we gotta start somewhere.

    Also, the government spends a TON of money on things I find less useful, so it isn’t really a problem for me.. unless it is wasteful. You don’t always have to use the cheapest option, and I like alternatives.. but a NASA mission to Mars shouldn’t cost 100x what a SpaceX mission would cost. (This is a made up scenario in my mind, not real information).

  18. I’m excited, I’ve forward to the advancement of civilization & eventually a multi planetary society.

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