I am a young man at age 22, I have almost nothing and I am trying to be a better individual, but I lack character you could say. I need to be more of a busy individual and I have been socially isolated due to ex-friends socially excluding and gaslighting me with always excuses to never go out with me or meet new people, so I lived in my own delusion.

  1. Rec sports/activities. They usually have a diverse range of options of all activity levels, you can meet new people every season/sign up for multiple leagues at a time.

  2. Yeah I’m 22 also same thing here. It’s mostly useless. Boomers here will tell you to use meetup.com like it’s 2005

  3. Ballroom dance–I made a lot of friends there during college, and had no experience. It’s easy to learn.

  4. Adult rec sports leagues are great for that. Just pick a sport you can do and ask to be put on the “nice team”.

    I did that for years and met a lot of good friends that way. Even if you’re not great at the sport, if you get put on the friendly team, they won’t mind. They already suck because they have been taking beginners for years.

  5. I think the sport community would be a good place to start, something lighter than football or basketball maybe something we see that is generally more accessible to women, like maybe a Recreational volleyball league or soccer league, badminton?

  6. Sports teams, bookclubs, exercise classes at the gym, or volunteering will help meet people with similar interests.

  7. A hiking or rock climbing club? Social dance? Board game group? Cooking or baking class? Take an art or ceramics class at the local community college?

  8. Try joining a local running group. In my experience running has way more women than men. You get in better shape and a clear mind while also meeting women who are active and in shape.

  9. People are saying rec sports and that’s true, but let me make a suggestion/variation on that. I actually think it’s a straight up hack for meeting people. Join a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gym (I assume other martial arts would be pretty good too). You get: consistent times where sets of people show up, a built-in community with everyone from people old enough to be your parents, to people in their 20s, to teenagers, forced interaction (have to have a training partner if you do BJJ), a series of goals to work towards, and it’s goddamn impossible to not build rapport with someone when you’re trusting them not to break your arm.

    I will say that they’re male-heavy, but there *are* significant numbers of women there too. Like probably 25% at my gym. Biggest caveat with that is that women will tend to train w/ other women bc you want to roughly match strength/size when learning generally. But there are plenty of opportunities to talk to everyone.

  10. Have you looked at local volunteer opportunities? Great way to meet people with similar interests and it looks good on a CV.

  11. Co-ed Sports. I dont think there’s anything better as a hobby when it comes to meeting people than something like a beer kickball league where people are encouraged to go to the sponsor bar after.

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