hi i just wonder what things i should do
when it comes to social stuff weither on internet or IRL
my issue is basically ima talker but i noticed my conversations dont go far
either others leave me or ignore me or just some dont care
and i hate it especially when it comes with friends i know with quite long time
with same hobbies and same interests too
i do not understate how and why that happens

  1. For me it helped to realize that people just don’t care as much as I thought they did. It helped me because it relieved the pressure of trying to force something out of a conversation. Maybe one of the reasons your conversations don’t get too far is because you’re too focused on trying to force the conversation in a direction? It may sound counterintuitive but caring less about the outcome of a conversation and caring more about just enjoying the conversation and time with others could help relieve some of that pressure.

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