Not to get into details.

Business situation.
I promised this person to work for him so he invested a lot of money into business, and promised to take care of my document, legal side of employment.

I kept my promise.
He also, but in the way that can it get me into trouble. There was another way of doing it, which wouldn’t get me into trouble.
He said he is 100% sure it won’t be a problem, because thats what he’s lawyer is saying.

I asked couple of lawyers, they say the opposite – it can be a problem

So now I have to tell him that I don’t wanna do it that way.
He will freak out, because I am specialist of this field and he won’t be able to find someone to replace me. So basically he is gonna lose a lot of money.

I am afraid of confrontation that this might cause.

  1. > I am specialist of this field and he won’t be able to find someone to replace me.

    I’ve read this before on Reddit and never believe it. It’s an enormous world with an Internet; if one pays market rate, one finds replacements.

    > So now I have to tell him that I don’t wanna do it that way. He will freak out

    Maybe he won’t. Maybe he can simply do it the legally proper way.

    But if he does “freak out” over being asked to do your hiring process legally correctly, would you have really wanted to work for this person? Talk about a red flag.

  2. In the end, you want the same thing. There is a difference of opinion as to how to do it. On your side, you have the lawyers you asked. If you’re ever going to get to that shared goal, he’s got to listen when you make a solid point backed with reliable sources. Tell him what the lawyers you talked to said calmly, like you would if, say, he was holding a tool awkwardly and you know a better grip. Don’t treat him like you’re correcting a bad person for the error of his ways. You have new information to present him. Allow him the opportunity to agree with you.

    If he can’t take it, you shouldn’t be working with him anyway. This issue sounds like it could mean personal legal or reputation risks for you personally. A quandary like this *will* come up in the future if this business lasts, and if you can’t have this discussion now, you never will.

    If he gets heated, don’t match his energy. Walk away, say you’ve explained this is a dealbreaker. Don’t take any bait. But don’t assume he’s going to be furious, either.

  3. You gotta have that conversation.

    You’re allowed to be anxious and scared when going into conflict. You still have to do what’s needed. You’ll be braver and better at it the next time. Conflict is an acquired skill.

  4. How much more will it cost him if he does it the incorrect way and he gets caught? It will most likely save him lots of money to do it the correct way.

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