Edit: budget for rent is about 750

Hi folks. Currently based in Glasgow, so haven’t visited these places before. I will aim to go check them out in December, but i know visiting for a day is totally different from living there.
I’ve read previous threads about the cities but I am trying to pick based on my needs. I am a woman and will live alone (have a disability). Not sure which of the cities would be aligned with me:

-I don’t drink and would like to have things to do besides pubs and football (poetry, live music, art, yoga, etc)

-some communities or groups for health and well being/peer support

-good transit would be a bonus since I have found Glasgow not good in that regard

-I rarely eat out or get takeaway so the food scene isn’t a huge thing for me

-(bonus) preferably not hell trying to find a flat, but I get with big cities it’ll be tough in general

I would be doing a hybrid model of working so 2-3 days in the office each week. The Manchester and Birmingham offices are in the city centre basically. Leeds office is 20 mins outside of city centre.

I understand the salary isn’t huge and I know it’ll be hard to live alone, but willing to make some sacrifice. Any thoughts would be great.

  1. **For specific questions about Glasgow, you can also visit /r/Glasgow.**

    If you are looking for attractions, recommendations, places to live, eat, drink, or do, [take a look at WikiVoyage](https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Glasgow) or [search TripAdvisor](https://www.tripadvisor.com/Search?singleSearchBox=true&q=Glasgow).

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  2. Birmingham here. I’ve worked in town for 15 years and for the most part been fine, there’s a half decent public transport system in place. If you rent outside of town its not too bad in terms of price, and transport is usually available. Town rent prices are ridiculous.

    Plenty of scenes for live music, online deliveries for groceries are everywhere, easy to find groups or social activities.

  3. Manchester as it probably has the most going on that interests you and the transport is decent.

    Not Leeds given you find Glasgow’s transport bad, Leeds definitely isn’t better. Also the office being outside the city centre will get annoying.

    Birmingham is probably ok too and the transport is good there, although you’d probably need to live further out than you would in Manchester. If you want to be closer to London that’s probably the only reason I’d go for there.

  4. Arts interests you have would suggest Manchester to me. Somewhere there which is served by the tram network which is more frequent and reliable than trains in any of those cities.

  5. Not Manchester if you want a place where it’s easy to find a flat. In the city centre it is very difficult to find housing now also you’d probably need a salary closer to 35k to live alone here

  6. To be honest if you are wanting to rent on your own, I would avoid all those cities and look at small towns if I were you

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