I once got poked in the ear which then perforated the eardrum. I hit the ground like a sack of shit, in so much pain I couldn’t even scream.

Compared to that, a full on kick to the testicles, while absolutely fucking horrible, wasn’t a whole lot.

The ear injury caused a blood and clear liquid leak from my ear. The ball kick caused vomiting at the time, with swollen testicles later.

  1. Gout, a root canal that required an injection into a root that wouldn’t go numb, a pain in my side that had me practically crawling into the ER.

    Surprisingly, having the tip of my finger crushed and ripped open didn’t hurt so much.

  2. When i broke up with onenof my exes after a few years. My body was physically in pain. Took about 6 months to be normal again.

    Worse physical pain i ever felt was an ear infection i had in the 9th grade. It actually made me cry.

  3. Ballkick definetly not that painfull, falling on them from height is far worse, but grasping a 1100°C hot Iron bar with your bare hand is definetly worse (was talking to my professor and didn’t look the whole bar was white from the heat) skin regrow and i don’t touch it more than a second, but hitting a tree at 50 km/h without any protection Gear was the worst, was on a bicycle floor was wet and i lost control, didn’t break any Bones, but i had a few torn muscle around my ribcage, couldn’t breath hear or call for help, took a whole minutes to take one breath thought i was dying in term of pure pain was awfull, first time i felt all my body was in pain.

  4. Physically it’s the IUD being inserted (both during the insertion and the cramps after)
    Mentally, it’s the depression. Which is always re-triggered from exhaustion.

    I’m so fucking exhausted

  5. Tearing the AC ligament in my right shoulder is probably the worst pain I’ve felt in my life. I’ve broken lots of bones, torn other muscles, torn my meniscus in my right leg… none of that came close.

  6. Not physical pain but emotional pain. My girlfriend of four years told me she was talking to and fucking her abusive ex boyfriend who she ran away from behind my back for the last two years. When she sat me down and explained everything I went numb. I don’t even remember what she said after that. All I remember is her taking her suitcases full of her clothes and belongings and leaving me alone in our apartment.

  7. I took a hokey puck to the eye once that left me half blind for a month. Fucking useless teacher didn’t even try to help me and I had to get permission to call my parents to take me to the emergency room.

  8. Appendicitis

    I was a bit late to the hospital so my intestines were nearly perforated when the surgery began.

  9. Heartbreak. Not so bad when compared to the other comments, but that’s mine. I haven’t been exposed to much of what life has to offer, so maybe that’s why I only have Heartbreak to comment.

  10. Mine was also an ear thing. Double ear infection when I was like 8. All I remember from that time was pain. Especially because I was younger so my pain tolerance was lower. So even if it happened it wouldn’t be the hell it was back then.

  11. I was about five blocks from my house and I fractured my wrist riding my bike when I was 11. We didn’t have cellphones back then, so I had to walk my bike back. I remember it felt like I had sweat coming out of my ear holes. The building I lived at didn’t have an elevator or a lobby and I lived on the third floor. I knew someone had to be home so I just got to the front of the building and started screaming my lungs out. Never been so happy to see my dad in my life. They had to re- align the bone at the ER. I used to tell people I saw heaven that day. I just fainted.

  12. Physically I had a massive flare up of an arthritis episode in a knee. It was so painful I couldn’t put any weight on it, or sleep. By the third night I crawled across my back yard to the garage and drove myself to the emergency room.

    Emotionally it has been this as yet undiagnosed mystery condition that affects most of my joints keeping me in constant pain and greatly limiting my capacity to work, live meaningfully, or earn the money I need to meet my debts. And that my gf at the time just ghosted me after these symptoms became constant.

  13. For me it has to be the Kidney Stone I got couple years back. I like to think I’ve got a decent pain threshold but the pain was so bad I passed out in the work toilet. I was down for a few mins but thankfully I got myself out of the bathroom.
    It was an odd pain, came in waves but man it was intense. Don’t recommend it.

  14. Skin infection around my navel area was atrocious. Took multiple antibiotic injections to get rid of, and the swelling was intense. I couldn’t move without searing pain.

    A close second was tearing a back muscle and falling to the ground like a sack. Putting any of my weight on it was impossible and hurt like a bitch. Still on the mend from that one. I can lift my legs now though, so onward and upward.

  15. “What is the worst pain you have ever truly felt”

    Whenever I realize how often this question is asked.

  16. I had a hemorrhoidectomy and the painkillers hardened my stool so long story short I popped a stitch in my stinkwhistle with a chocolate claymore

  17. I recently broke my finger tip.

    The numbing medication they injected hurt worse than the injury.

  18. i was on a laythe if you dont know what that is its something that spins wood ao you can carve it but i was making a baseball and it flew off and hit me in the balls

  19. Shitty piercer placed an industrial bar in a way that started digging into my ear. Like the bar was embedded into the cartlidge that swirls in the inner part of the ear.

    That sucked but was only a mild sting. What hurt was him trying to fix it. Took it out, bent the bar, and tried to stick it back through. After about a solid minute of him trying and not able to get it through the hole I had to stop and just get rid of the piercing. It was excruciating.

  20. Kidney stones. I crawled to the doctor’s on all fours, through the streets. She gave me a shot of painkiller and said “that should help”. It did not. She called an ambulance. The paramedics had to hold one of those little carboard, kidney-shaped dishes up to my face during the whole journey, because I kept puking with pain. When I got to the hospital, they pumped me full of some kind of opiate that felt like it was just washing the pain away and replacing it with calm. Then I few hours later, I passed the stone. The pain cut right through all the medication, as it it wasn’t even there, and I puked again. After that, I just slept. I have never been so tired.

  21. Two things stick out.

    I’m terrible with tooth pain. I had an old filling that broke. That itself was fine and I was getting extensive dental work on other things anyway, so we decided to wait until the end to deal with it. I was eating a chip once day when a piece went up there and man, it was a searing pain. It had been fine for a while up to that point, but I guess it had finally worn to the root. When I went to the dentist for the next round, I had him deal with that next with the other tooth he was working on that side. When he was putting that gummy stuff that’s used as a mold, some of it got in that back tooth and it was shockingly bad. I had them just pull it at that point.

    Sneezing repeatedly to the point that I would drop in pain. I had done a deep clean on the house, and by the evening, I was constantly sneezing. I think I had done so upwards to 15 times in a row on one session, and the pain from… I don’t know… muscle contractions… was go awful. It felt like skin was ripping.

  22. My family told me how much they hated me and that I was the worst thing that had happened to them

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